why is tesla shooting up i sold all mine ages ago at 180 cos i was away on holiday ffs

am I stupid or would that not send us out with hungary being 3rd instead

wild tho because this is the first time i’ve seen it enforced, i don’t mind rules like that but it has to be consistent

will get min 2 mill for duk and minimum 7 for bojan 😂, based on what other players go for bojan should be minimum £10mill

same thing happened to your boy tackling phillips? ref played advantage but never brought it back? i get complaining but they went both ways in that match

fuck me this means Darvel pumps Bayern

if we manage to keep him till summer it will be the best deal of the jan transfer window, crucial for us!

Unless it’s been taken away this season I doubt it, Shinnie had an extra match added for the audacity to appeal

I mean not undervaluing Fish, but united sold that Zidane boy for a mill at the start of the season, I think hibs could afford a bit more than that for a player with as much potential (performance + resell value).

I hope your intentionally ignoring the clear points infront of you, but one last time, a semi final and a final are two very different things.

It was nice to have a conversation with you, i’d recommend less petty jabs next time and more actually trying to read my points. Because there wouldn’t be reselling at the eleventh hour, it would be done with plenty time.

best of luck in the final x

what do you mean there you go then? can you actually not tell the difference between a semi final and a final?

no matter who you support, more people will make an effort to go to a final over a semi, that means people flying back home from overseas, booking holidays around it etc.

there’s nothing wrong with that?

not to mention there is obviously a massive difference between a semi final and a final, so it’s not really a valid comparison 🤣

13k! which you already know! you seem to be conveniently ignoring my actual points tho 🤔

Just to put it into perspective, yes 13k isn’t a sellout by any means, but for the amount of games we have had in a short period and the support we’ve had at them, i think it’s a good show.

you can try and get petty jabs in all you want but the reality is a final should always start at 50/50 at a so called neutral venue. There’s no rebuttal to that i’m afraid.

We definitely would sell it out? we took 43k to celtic park 🤣

here’s the great part about that, if for some reason we didn’t, you would get the tickets anyway!

right mate not trying to be a dick but you can’t quote something i said when i haven’t said it hahahahah

Could have gone down but my dad wouldn’t have been able to come because of a prior commitment, instead i chose to stay up in aberdeen and go to a pub with him to watch it.

would I have been a better fan if i went down to watch? yeh probably.

but jumping up and down celebrating with my dad meant more.

Of course more people could have gone down, but you never know peoples scenarios. The argument is the final should be 50/50 because that’s what’s fair. there is no counter argument to that, if We don’t sell out our allocation or a certain amount by a deadline they defunct to rangers.

it’s simple.

I’d argue aberdeen have a really good travelling support? one of the best in scotland, one semi final doesn’t define the support.

of course the big 2 are gonna sell out the stadium when it’s in the same city 🤣

first time we’ve met in a final to be fair so it is quite exciting!

Honestly, I feel like evos could have been so much more inventive, like with RTTK, they could have made one that turns any bronze/silver player into a RTTK (upgradable) as long as they play at a club that is in a european comp.

im assuming we will get golden glow up part 3/4 next season, but would have been nice to get more than 1.

aswell as this I’d like to see maybe a slight scaler on the paid evos, so the lower rated the card the (slightly) higher boost it gets

for example if im paying 50k to evo jonny hayes instead of him only going from a 67 to a 71 after it would be nice for him to be a 76 or 77 etc, nothing groundbreaking just means I can have more fun with off meta players.

Gonna miss most expensivest, i must have watched the food ones hundreds of times collectively

Aberdeen, obviously supporting them helps but the amount of value that squad is gonna have this year will be crazy. Should make for a really interesting rebuild with good cash when the better players move on.