I assumed it was a joke and it made me chuckle.

Although Jusant has some beautiful music and sound design of its own you might not want to miss out on.

I would have found it way scarier if Blue Knees didn’t have that flashing/glitchy movement. If he were just continuously creeping toward you, it would have felt so much more dreadful.

My guess is that they didn’t have many animators that could animate characters realistically. So they opted for seeing the characters in quick flashes where a bit of janky animation will be less noticeable.

Thanks! Another commenter mentioned this video earlier, so I’ve just checked it out. He’s really insightful and I like his vibe. The video does a great job explaining it. I didn’t find him very funny, but I did find the irony that I didn’t find him very funny funny.

I wonder why conservatives are incapable of actual comedy? And anytime they attempt it, it’s specifically mean-spirited. What’s up with that?

Have you even been climbing at Junction? It’s my favourite place! They do day passes and they’re pretty inexpensive. It always feels like an adventure climbing a big-ass wall.

I second this. It’s charming as fuck. And those carpets!!

Oh dang! I played this game flat on gamepass and I loved it. I kinda wish I hadn’t now so I could play it for the first time in VR.

‘There are 9 wild Tims in this area. If you wish to bring and hunt a domesticated Tim, please ensure that your permit reflects this. Thank you and happy hunting.’

Jealous of looking like… that? The process is impressive and his craftsmanship is beautiful. But that hat aesthetic is tacky and a little trashy.

But this isn’t r/stuffyoucantdo. It’s r/Unexpected. Your post just isn’t in keeping with the spirit of the sub. Unexpected in this context means that the video has a twist of events somewhere in the duration of the video that catches the viewer by surprise because it is either a different outcome than what you were expecting or an unexpected element enters the video at some point.

Your post is just a guy punching the air and doing flips. We all watched it waiting for something to happen but it just… doesn’t.

“Sure, our kids are getting slaughtered at school but what about car accidents? Only wussies want to keep their kids from being brutally murdered en masse at school.”

-Confident-Attempt-49, 2024

The rest of the civilized world is looking at Americans like you and wondering how you were so thoroughly convinced that owning a gun should be core to your identity. America has the second highest number of gun deaths in the world. Fifth for gun murder. That’s not a coincidence.

Despite what you think, a great nation does not send their children to school to be shot and accept that as an unavoidable sacrifice for the freedom to carry a gun. I can’t believe this has to be said.

Fix your heart.

They’re just a big grumpy booger. This video is badass as fuck.

“And then I grab the tree by the neck and I fucking choke it like this.”

I think this is essentially the same effect as listening in a conch shell and ‘hearing the ocean’. Except since the tree is much larger the reverberations are lower in pitch.

I love that you can gesture to your teammates in multiplayer games. It’s a dimension of communication that is completely unique to VR.

My favourite thing is when you’re playing a multiplayer game and some of your body language translates to your communication with your team. I love being able to point or raise a finger to my lips to let my team know it’s time for stealth. That is magic.

And I’m scared it’s working. Really well.

No, I’m fully capable of hating this woman without ‘people on Reddit just wanting’ me to.

I’m a father of two daughters and just reading through part of that article made me feel sick and panicked. There is no recovering from losing a child and frankly I wouldn’t have given a shit if she did show remorse because her little ‘oopsie my foot slipped’ killed a child and injured several other people.

I’ve almost been struck while pushing my 2 year old in a stroller crossing an intersection near my house several times. Each time it was an elderly driver. They’re too slow to react and it makes them dangerous on the road.

Good god, we get it. Thank you for the PSA. The same PSA that is said on every single post in UFOs. You’ve opened our minds, you woke up the sheep. Rest easy and don’t bother next time.