The sunburn and neck crease, name a more iconic duo.

The Dunmer are leeching off Winterholds hospitality, theres even a Dumner at the farm outside the gates that says that working is the way to earn the Nords respect. There is an Altmer living in Windhelm, with a job. The Nords just want everybody to earn their keep.

I can understand why the city is angry, the Argonians being outside the wall is to prevent infighting due to the Dunmer enslaving their race. It's a harsh solution, but a necessary one.

I used to be pro Legion, now I'm leaning more Stormcloak. The Empire swore to protect Skyrim, they are now banning worship and allowing people to be dragged from their homes, it's a weak government that needs changing.

I know everyone had a little shrines in their home and whatnot, but they used to have Temples. Empire supporters settled for less because it was easier to just let the Empire do it's thing instead of stepping up and demanding their Temples back.

Racism is abundant in Tamriel, moreso if you're a foreigner, Stormcloaks are mostly natives with badblood. The Empire isn't as notably racist but they are willing to execute an innocent because it's easier than protocol.

Stormcloaks are hurt and they are angry, their emotions control them, they say hurtful things and act unreasonably, but it's because of a burning passion for their homeland and ancestors honour. This doesn't justify their behaviour, it only an example of it's cause.

The Empire is coordinated but weak, they are quick to sweep dirt under the rug and take the shortest path even if it's the most unreasonable one.The Empire looks grand and they put on a good show, but they are a husk of their former self.

Skyrim belongs to everyone, but not freeloaders.

Tbh he's the only one left alive if you don't kill him, he'd eventually grow concerned by the silence. Wouldn't be long before he's tripping over corpses and falling down stairs, food wouldn't last long and he'd eventually have to either brave the wilds or die in a cave. Killing him is the better option imo.

Windhelm, Winterhold, 7000 Steps, anywhere outdoors tbh

Have it back

(It's the right thing to do, even if your ex was a vile piece of shit, don't do something they would do)

Keeping in mind that Skyrim is over a decade old, I still hate how helmets look on beast races

The game feels like it was designed for a Male Nord Stormcloak Warrior. Obviously any build is viable, but immersion wise, it feels Bethesda planned the world around that specific build.

It makes sense too, the intro paints the Empire as bad people, so naturally first time players escape Helgen with Ralof, who tells the player to join the Stormcloaks.

Then you go to Whiterun and join the Fighters Guild that every guard, beggar and bug keeps yapping on about (the guild themselves are just outside the walls telling you to join them) The smith who forges weapons for this Guild is Stormcloak aligned (Gray-Mane) and calls you "Lad" regardless of sex. The questline reward even feels like elves weren't really considered.

I can totally see the Telekinesis spell being used in pickpocketing

I rarely fast travel so if I'm struggling with names I just go with Runs-Many-Miles

Not-On-The-List is a more humorous name, also get to hear Hadvar say it

I've ran an Argonian alchemist called Picks-Her-Poison

Feel free to swipe that name for yourself

I read that as 'Chris of the Abyss' and thought it was some indie artist

Captain, what should we do? He still gives a shit

Forget the shit! He's getting blocked

By your orders Captain, I'm sorry, we'll make sure your shits are returned to Twitter

Hey you, you're finally awake! You were trying to leave the subreddit right? Went and typed that rage bait comment...