
What qualifications do you currently have?

If you have some experience in corporate world then I can see if there's an open position in my company. I think a few people here might be able to help the same as me.

On a side note, Polish guys are stubborn sometimes but some are actually good hearted guys. Maybe there's another one out there who will actually accept you for who you are.

Just my 10 cents.

Good luck out there and let any of us know if you need further help with employment in Poland.

It's sad to think that any of us could have been born in that country and it would have been any of us standing there for the glory of our senile ruler.

Comparison is the thied of joy. Your fleet looks good. 💪🏻

I told my fiancé how much and she told me it's so cute how guilty I feel.

"Where's that damn helmet released latch?"

Right...I clearly see what you meant there.

Definitely you see "having sticks up your butts" totally different. I get it. Wink wink.

If she constantly kicks you out then you probably need to try kicking her in.

All fun and games, you need a new girlfriend.

Wait. You went to college? Your life turned out way better than mine.

Okay no jokes this time. This is my experience.

I've been living in Poland and also in different cities.

People demeanour change depending on where they live.

One thing's that's universal is the expressionless face. It always made me feel like I did something wrong. One of those fears were true to people who really don't like foreigners. There are two sayings that I can't get out of my head. "Poland is for Poles." "In Poland you speak Polish."

Now, I have been learning the language sonce I came here and it isn't easy. At all. There is this... expectation that you WILL speak Polish at some point, even without anyone saying it. Because it's in the way they approach you. The true Polosh friends you make here really dont care. But any other people...well they remind you daily. (Of course not the random person on the sreeet, they just mind their business).

For example. I work in an American company. With international people.

But as soon as the majority group becomes Polish, every chat group and conversation turns to Polish UNTIL you either ask what it's about or if you mention something in the chat. Sometimes they ignore you. Confronting my bosses (two different ones) about this and their response was, "I cannot ask them to chsnge because everyone needs to feel comfortable speaking in their native language". My native language isn't English and I am not allowed to speak it (based off of snarky jokes and comments from Polish colleagues).

I just narrowed it down to Polish people (not all but most) not having the emotional depth as other EU counterparts. Really, even the humor is either so dry or so chil-like that makong a Knock knock joke seems to piss them off more than making them laugh.

"Kock knock?" "Uhm.. who's there I think?" "Britney spears." "But why Britney spears? I dont get it." "Just say Britney Spears who..." "But why.....? This is a silly joke".

Of course I have to assimilate to this country because I am a foreigner, but I promise you, no one is making it easier for you...at all.

If you want to hear more, you can send me a pm. I dont hate Poland, but they almost make sure to let me understand. I. Am. Not. Welcome.

I always just thought y'all had stick up your butts.

And THIS isn't regarding growing up. It's about understanding why a people aren't smiling for the majority of their lives on earth. And that... that's unbelievably sad.


Now this is a nice reply.

You're the type of Polish guy I like to take out for a few beers.

Thanks for the nice comment man! Appreciate it.

Just sad that you think you have to attach a fake smile.

Been in Poland for 6 years now (yes one of those filthy foreigners working in your perfect country) and I can say confidently that I really don't understand why you guys are the way you are.

"If you dont like it you can leave" gets old very quick. Grow up.

I was being sarcastic.

I'm sad to see that no one told you this is a game in alpha state. Scammers all of them! Off with their heads.

Dating experience? Like in a resume?


You guys look pissed.

At what? No one will ever know.


Then suffer buddy.

Don't know what else to say.

You think more hussle will help you out of this hole?

I'm not trying to be a dick here but I definitely can tell you whatever you're doing isn't going to help you.

Seriously, try it. Learn how to appreciate your life more (small things first) every day and you'll see how your life will make more sense.

Take it or leave it.

Have a nice day and good luck.

Gonna give you advice even though I really dont want to...

Shut up (really just stop talking and start listening) and start appreciating what you have. If you're still not grateful, then you have too much in this life.

Look at the people who have nothing and are still happy. Yeah, work towards that goal.

Otherwise good luck. It ain't gonna get better anytime soon.

Girl...you are as confused as a donkey on a race track.

Do yourselves a massive fricking favor and leave him alone.

God, please bless me never to meet someone this entitled and crazy.

Really seems like you should stay single till you know what the hell you want. Stop making THAT someone else's fault and responsibility as well.

I'm the guy on the other side of this type of situation, but with a twist.

Got into a relationship 3 years ago and helped a friend to come work overseas. Helped him with my company apartment and everything.

Long story short. Called him to confront all the issues that's been popping up (company apartment sink broken and I am asked to fix it while he lives there and other stuffs).

While on the call, he again (like always) compliments my small ears and say that's why I never listen and blocked me everywhere.

I left my job and asked why all my things were moved. Boss apparently called him. He unblocked me just to tell me to grow TF up.

Took my chance and blocked him (you can only block someone on FB if they didn't block you first).

He stalked and harassed me with every phone number he had to tell me to block them as well.

He went back home and now the whole small town hates me. Why? After all I've tried to do?

I understand OP is in a whole other situation. But same moral of the story is, stop wondering what you did wrong. People move away from eachother sometimes and that's life.

No one is really at fault for it. We only have one life and want to love it however we want.

Move on and make sure you grow from this experience. One day you'll be in a whole different mindset and even wonder why you were upset about this.

I hope this helps. Good luck.