Menopausal symptoms: Red clover contains compounds called isoflavones, which are similar to estrogen. Some studies have shown that red clover may help to reduce hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Skin conditions: Red clover has been used topically to treat psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions. There is some evidence that red clover may help to reduce inflammation and itching.

Respiratory problems: Red clover has been used as a cough remedy and to treat other respiratory problems. There is some evidence that red clover may help to loosen mucus and clear the airways.

You can only experience you because the "you" of your experience is not the observer.

Medicine is medicine and it makes no difference where it comes from only that it’s effective. 

Not necessarily… you don’t lose your memories rather the experiences of your lives are retained as a repository of knowledge which possibly moves an evolutionary form of self-awareness forward. 

The russian doll is a very good analogy. I've always thought of reality as an onion with a myriad of layers - possibly each one an increasing dimension or realm of density or frequency.

I work in a rural area for a utility. I make a good income, built a small house with cash out of pocket, working to get off grid little by little. I have another house in town that I'm going to sell soon which will bring a major amount of cash. Everything I have is paid for and I'm hoping to turn my side herbalism into a more significant business venture.

"As a public university professor..." Perhaps some professional decorum online is in order for a representative of our so-called institutes of higher learning.

Legislation isn't a "this or that" type of activity. There's debate and movement on many issues throughout a season. This just happens to touch on an issue that may not be relevant for you but for others like me its meaningful. I own 4 acres and am under an HOA which states that I can't have a single chicken, but I can own up to 8 horses. It makes no sense, but we are in a rural area and the HOA is largely composed of city folk trying to change this area into their version of St Charles.

Richard Dawkins is a scientist - is trans a scientific reality - no it is not. Your feelings are not a basis for scientific theory. If you want validation, you can find it on the internet among peers, but you won't find it in the realm of objective scientific query.

Vermicomposting Toilet Question

I'm looking into a vermicomposting toilet for an outbuilding. Has anyone built one of these and if so, can you explain the differences between the vermicomposting system and a tiger toilet system as advocated by the WHO. The only difference I can see is that the YT videos of vermicomposting systems retain a leach field for effluence, but the tiger toilets simply drain the effluence through an open bottom tank.

Vermicomposting Toilet Questiongeneral question

I'm looking into a vermicomposting toilet for an outbuilding. Has anyone built one of these and if so, can you explain the differences between the vermicomposting system and a tiger toilet system as advocated by the WHO. The only difference I can see is that the YT videos of vermicomposting systems retain a leach field for effluence, but the tiger toilets simply drain the effluence through an open bottom tank.

vermicomposting toilet

I'm looking into a vermicomposting toilet for an outbuilding. Has anyone built one of these and if so, can you explain the differences between the vermicomposting system and a tiger toilet system as advocated by the WHO. The only difference I can see is that the YT videos of vermicomposting systems retain a leach field for effluence, but the tiger toilets simply drain the effluence through an open bottom tank.

You wasted a lot of time trying to research and call out someone who didn’t do anything except commit the sin of not validating your feelings. The problem here is you. Get a life, you’re not the center of the universe and no one has to align with how you decide to have sex. 

The only demons are those in your own psyche. These plants help confront and dissolve these deranged states thereby freeing the individual to enjoy their lives more fully.

Do you use the essential oil or the oil infusion? I've taken the essential oil (1 drop in a glass of water) and it knocks out "anything."

I cant pick just one but for daily use I like a decoction of stinging nettle with moringa added at times.

Deities are simply a manifestation of one’s own psyche and a projection of the whims of the current personal persona. In other words, everyone worships the god or goddess of their own ego. We create a mental projection of our own ideas, beliefs, values, etc. and then pray to it. It’s a lower consciousness activity that I do not participate in.

Herein you have to define terms- soul as a representative of self is what Buddhism rejects and I agree. 

Soul as an overarching repository of experience is my personal view. I do not believe that the persona or individuated ego survives. This makes no sense, especially if transmigration occurs because a new mask or persona would then be assumed thereby negating any previous persona(s). 

If Monism is true then a collectivist experience of existence then contributes to the beneficence of only one “thing” - albeit it’s not a “thing” at all but more of a “no-thing” that gestates the enigma of “some-thing” as perhaps a means of self realization. 

Personality is part of the persona and the ego. It dies when the current incarnation dies. There is no continuity of the ego self except for within a repository of experience which makes up a collective memory.

There’s a different state of awareness and there is a continuity outside of your current persona. For example, you won’t exist in any tangible eternal form rather as a repository of experience and memory. You have a soul that has encompassed many lives but no particular life defines it. As the soul transmigrates it takes on the mask of various personas but death is a removal of the mask and the end of the persona. It’s akin to an actor playing a part in a drama - once his part is over they return to life outside of the drama.