Got to play with Mummy and Snuff. They're both incredible

I look for my former band every time someone posts one of these

Children definitely do not seek discomfort

It's amazing run through the Sous Vide. It pasteurizes the meat so it's still "raw" inside but the harmful shit is dead. You could theoretically eat chicken pasteurized but not fully cooked but that's nasty and I'd slap someone for that

You oughta just move here and teach me your ways. Up my lens game

Pretty sure they only put out one album, but Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution is amazing. It's like ska, but orchestral

Edit: BotAR has a single EP on Spotify. Also, I'm pretty sure it was the guys from Streetlight Manifesto

(Almost) All of the RxB discography is absolutely amazing

They're not my favorite band or anything...

New Vampire Weekend is pretty good but I don't feel like it topped their last album, though I didn't like FotB when it first dropped and it's grown on me. Maybe this one will too

Do you know what the theme of the album is bro?

I thought ABBA was a dumb band until I started playing bass. They're now one of my tops and you'll catch me singing along every time

Lord take me downtown, I'm just looking for some Thrush

Unironically one of the coolest things I've ever watched on YouTube

That's what I thought too haha

I was excited to go to reverb and look at new stuff

Death Cab for Cutie's Plans album.


The whole thing front to back

Bro doesn't know the difference between buy and give💀

Learned that in like, 1st grade bro

I've gone through that book about 5 times in the last 7 days or so. I pull something new from it everytime I go through it. As far as Stoic reading goes, this is one of the easier to digest, but still one of the most wisdom packed books, in my opinion

Great read/listen and absolutely worth checking out

Been mulling over getting a grapevine half-sleeve.

Just looks like a cool plant tattoo to everyone else but means a whole lot to me, which is what matters