I hope he knows about elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea and dinner too.

'You really playin' the gay card right now?' - Yaaas queen snap

Deze comment zegt meer over jezelf dan over OP, hopelijk besef je dat makker

See now I just think you're doing this on purpo... VRRROOAM

When you're hiding under a bed and the crazy doc actually grabs you from beneath it. Had to stop for a second after that one...

We'll bend you over, then we'll take you to brown town

Once I do get to sleep...I shall go on sleeping whether I roll off or no. And the less said, the sooner I'll drop off, if you take my meaning.

This line always gets me

'There were signs, he wore a V-neck once' - 'Oh bob, and you did nothing?'

'Why have you woken us, peasant?'

Couldn't get into that one... It's just reading, reading and more reading.. lol

You will get stronger when you have some gold for your power ups, but no garlic is not essential. It's actually a pretty bad item haha. Go for the bible!