That's what I thought too! Got confused before I realized OP missed a space before the 9.

Did you just censor the stony butt of a 2000 year old statue? Lol.

Game of Thrones and The Boys show horrible things, but nooo the internet cannot see cheeks made of minerals.

Ordering 6,9 nuggets and seeing the cook bite off a corner on the 7th one, before putting them in the bag lol

Ah, this joke again, but refitted with a new background. How clever.

As if I don't have to read this every year since 2015, just with new backgrounds every time

Swede here. I apologize for the banana pizza, I have never ordered one. But the one we have with kebab? Absoluuuuute tastiness omg

''MFW'' means ''motherfucking when'' or what? ''My Face When''? Please help a dude out. Also never understood what ''anon'' is while we're at it

Wrong. He is not African-American in this picture.

So NEET is a word that people use when they're ashamed to say they're unemployed and not students. Lol what.

Thanks for letting me skip googling!

Yeah that France part is weird too: They only won because 1 guy in Portugal team couldn't hit the penalty in the end. Lmao

No, that's being a modern couch potato with no hobbies.

If you had interests like bouldering, cycling, dancing, painting - then you'd spend less time watching TV while watching your phone.

I know girls like this

For someone who trains almost everyday at kicking balls into a goal, and is being paid millions for kicking balls into a goal - he had pretty shit aim (at least last two games).

I haven't played football in years, if you want someone to not hit the goal then just ask me to play instead.

Thanks, I needed an explanation & that sounds reasonable

Hmmm, family members texting in english makes me assume they're from UK or North America. Yet the dad doesn't know what ''he's'' means... What

I'm watching this on PC. The video is widescreen but has been cropped to fit a vertical phone screen, so they added white bars above and below. But since I AM watching this on a widescreen, I now only get 10-20% of the original size. Fuck this cropping shit

What is ''neurodivergent'' and why are their conversations considered weird?

That little coin gives no reference at all unfortunately. I don't know what currency it is even. It might be 1cm or 3cm :(

Some politically correct, or woke, word that some Americans have started using. Apparently sounds nicer than ''homeless'' but there's barely no fucking difference. Most people don't use it (I think) since its 90% the same word.

Yeah before Judaism was invented everyone were nonbinary fruitcakes. The Scandinavian bronze age tribes, the celts, Ancient Egypt. None of them treated women differently lol

What we forget about transportation before the engine, is that horses smell terribly and so does all the horse poop on the street that bakes in the sun.

Other than that, I would love to visit

An American senile president as meme format? No thanks

Looks like Judith Mossman from Half-Life 2.

That gave me a victorian nerdgasm omg. But looks just as useful to just do it with your hands

Am growing out all my bodyhair and will only wear green overalls. Find me in Dubai, girl