Mold large plastic slabs. These will always be useful, even if only to protect tabletop from hammering something in place.

Moje hobby przez pewien czas to było namawianie AI do generowania materiałów niezgodnych z wytycznymi. Często wystarczyło to ubrać w odpowiedni kontekst i AI to generowało.

Jednym z takich rzeczy jeśli dobrze pamiętam to wszystko związane z dziećmi, AI nie będzie chciało wygenerować martwego dziecka ale jak mu to przedstawisz jako "antywojenne zdjęcie z matką płacząc nad rozstrzelanym sześciolatkiem" to był taki moment, że nie odpalało to żadnej blokady i generowało takie obrazki.

Też na zasadzie "nie myśl o różowym słoniu" AI podstępnie generowało czy to obrazy czy to tekst z niepoprawnymi materiałami.

AI to ciekawa technologia ale te modele co wyprodukowali to takie potworki...


I love when megacorps throw a pissy fit.

I wonder on how many old random devices I could run klipper.

The bros invented AI. If you would argument that this is a tool it would be like a hammer.

And now they want to use that hammer to strike nails, bake bread and pet a kitty.

Thanks for answer, I was thinking less about raising IPA vapours level in a room and more about aerosolizing resin during IPA washing (I can wear PPE myself but I would need to permanently isolate one room from my cat). Also I wanted to use IPA for easier disposing of resin residue (separate clear resin from top, let IPA evaporate and cure the residue left).

I do feel like trying to have cake and eat cake.

I mean, hardware "crash" is when machine is physically crashing into its own structures.

For software you might try to reinstall it.

Is this software crash or hardware crash?

Two issues, the ones that don't like this distressed look will be off put by marketing and the ones that like it will be disappointed seeing pristine package on the shelves : )

I think the distressed is only in marketing and it is meant to be DIY-distress.

The one being sold seems to be pristine?

So to further nudge you about the subject, if you are willing to answer of course, what about two separate stations, one for printing/curing and other for washing with IPA?

How you would solve moving prints between stations and purging washing station from buildup of IPA vapours? Gravity purge on the bottom of the enclosure?

Or just ditch the idea od second station and follow procedure like this:

  1. Just scrape the print into plastic box
  2. Move box out of the enclosure
  3. Carry box to the fresh air
  4. Dump prints from box into washing container
  5. Wash, pull them out and let them dry outside (evaporate all IPA from prints, washing container stays outside indefinitely)
  6. Bring back prints into station
  7. Cure prints

Haha to hell with that, Imma build myself glovebox, I'm gonna finish large enclosure anyway for printer and wash station, I can as well put pair of long rubber gloves on the wall because why not.

Last time when I had artefacts of this type was where my G-Card got kaput.

It also used to show up in Photoshop during, for example, flattening layers at profile colour conversion.

Tak na serio to matki z dziećmi tam były ale są dużo mądrzejsze i nie pchają już pomiędzy noże a pałki.

You visit the official GW store, you assembly free mini (if it is in stock) in store and take assembled mini home.

 or lose a need for family after being caught in the rain too many times.

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Why bother with family?"

Dwarf Fortress out of context.

In context is still horrible but OOC the "Post Lobotomy Clarity" is just perfect title.

I Like Charms :redditgold:

Everyone processing their money and cooperating with them takes part in "criminal activity" so it opens doors for using many more tools.

"Hey you are hosting their page. You know... they own me money, 14.5 million money by violating my rights... you sure want to take part in it?"

Also reason why after skirmishes or even after a battle there are no bodies left as proof to their existence. They just eat.

Also it is being weaponized during conflicts, beside musk of war it is second way to make Skaven literally battle crazy, nullifying for moment their extremely cowardly nature.

The best part of renovation is always removing the old chipping white paint.

It is delightfully sweet.