I’m so sorry for the loss of your parents. Sending hugs ❤️

But who thinks she asked herself that question so she could answer it

Oh god she is doing another weird mask look again!?

As someone who loves the game idk how I’d feel in game. Imagine being chased by a bunch of hilichurls? Or imagine you get thrown into the middle of fighting vivienne of the lake in Fontaine? 😂🤣 this is interesting though I’d love to hear if you tried again?

She is 16 and still calls her step mom mom and her dad and step mom are divorced he’s on wife number 4! It still hurts but I remind myself I gave birth to her, I carried her all 9 months while her father abused me and was so violent he dragged me down the hall one day 6 months pregnant by my under arms and I tried to get away he grabbed my neck and idk what I did. I was lucky to not lose her. He was so mean to me. My second husband which is my current and last because he was just as bad and I’ve decided that no more I want to be happy! Anyway I have two step kids and their dad doesn’t talk to them or see them and I always treated them like my own. I love them like they are my own and my step daughter told me I’m more of a parent to her than her father is and it’s sad. They deserve better. I took my son and dog and left finally and it’s so hard but my son is in therapy and his dad stopped trying to see him as well now and I feel like even though it upsets him it’s for the better. I’m trying to stop the cycle.

Thank you! Yes they are! There are many out there! ❤️

Thank you I was wondering. I thought she went back but it was confusing because she just got back home right?

Thank you! She’s my best friend. I love her so much. Chihuahuas are so awesome. A lot of people do not like them but i think even when spicy they are still sweet

I don’t doubt that based on how she talks and posts things misspelled all the time! She could use autocorrect or google if she’s that unsure but nope. I’d be so embarrassed

I would definitely watch that shit show for sure

Now come on, she changes the colors! Duuuuuuuhhhh 😂🤣😂🤣 sorry I’ve been hanging with my nephew and son all day! Two rowdy kids but they crack me up!

And she literally just taking pics of herself posing! I mean come on. When I’m with family I take pictures of my family and everyone together

Her hair is so thin at this point. She would be better off not putting heat on it at all and not pulling it into her thin ass tight ponytails

I was watching a tiktok a while ago with someone who does the tanner too and she used a brush to put it on her hands so she doesn’t get it all over the insides of her hands and I thought of 🗑️ hers always look so bad

It really aggravates me that instead of saying AND she says AN 😡

Hey I have a really crazy idea 🗑️ what about not dropping hundreds of dollars shopping every night for more shit you don’t need and all these vacations you and Uncle Fester take so he can lay in bed and you can be on live 24/7 like at home and use the money to pay your bills and fix your car! I know it’s insane but hey I guess I’m a little wacky 🤪

Well, we can all hope her kid can swim because this is insane. A brief story my brother was a toddler in diapers still waddling around the pool and my dads entire family was there at my aunt and uncles house in Long Island and they had a big in ground pool and my mom asked my dad to watch him for a few minutes and there were tons of family around the pool not one person noticed him fall in and almost drown. He still to this day at 40 scared of swimming he has no idea how to swim and won’t learn. It’s sad. Imagine a bunch of people sitting around and still he almost drowned. They got very lucky. He was ok. Then there was he time I was 3 or 4 we lived in an apartment off my grandparents house and my mom asked my grandpa to sit with me briefly because she had to run inside and he wasn’t watching me I rode my tricycle down a flight of cement cellar stairs and my face hit almost every step. I remember it too my little sister was screaming and I was covered in blood I remember exactly what I was wearing and my mom wrapping a towel around my head to try to Stop the bleeding til we got to the hospital. My face was so many different colors for months and my mom said the looks she got because people thought I was abused 😂. And back then i didn’t even get an xray! I lost vision in my left eye and no one ran tests. And this was before cell phones and influencers and stuff. These parents now are unhinged with having to post everything and kids come last

My Uncle was an amazing chef and this is pretty accurate but man did everything taste so good! I always said he could make crap taste amazing

Sadly you are not wrong here. I’ve been up and down with my weight since I was young and now that I’m getting older it’s such a pain to lose pounds. Perimenopause is awful I feel like the pounds are sticking and my dr keeps telling me to lose weight I’m like hey you be a stressed out woman in your 40s starting menopause! I hope all the men who just don’t get it and are awful are all reincarnated as women 😂😂😂