Thank you! I’m in a few facebooks groups but non specifically for my state. Just found out that the university has a sustainable garden where they practice permaculture and are looking for volunteers so I signed up

Thank you for the good advice. I’ve been snooping the landscaping companies around me, only found one that uses native plants but better than 0 and I have some good connections with our local master gardeners so I’ll do some networking with them.

Yes but the purpose of permaculture is to create spaces that are sustainable and link humans with their environment and its forces. Your non native perennials from Lowe’s that you stuck in the ground wherever you thought was best that you dump pounds of fertilizer on is not sustainable. Also some people may want to garden in areas with extreme climates or have weather issues which creates challenges for them. I don’t know if you’ve read any books about it permaculture but I would recommend Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway. It’s a little bit more than just plant things in an arrangement it’s about connecting the whole system.

Yeah I’ve been kind of leaning into just doing design. But it seems like where I live unless you’re doing intensive grading or like digging up the entire yard you don’t need any licensing. I worked in construction for 3 years so I feel comfortable with manual labor just worried about things not working

Thank you! I’ve been working on building some social media content just to spread some knowledge. It seems a lot of people gain success documenting their own journey but I don’t own any property.

Does anyone here do Permaculture design as a full time job?

Finish a permaculture certification course soon and I want to start my own design business at some point, I know I still have lots of learning to do and experience to gain so no hate please. But like where do you get the experience? I’ve been working with my yard trying to implement the things I’ve discovered but trying to sell my self to clients is a bit daunting when I don’t have much to show for myself.

Also please don’t listen to the comments telling you to drink or do drugs, that can be really dangerous in general and especially in this business. And at the end of the day, you are tough, it’s hard but you’ll get through it.

Just think about the money and not him is what I used to do, but at the same time I don’t highly recommend because I think later you end up pretty disgusted and traumatized but at the end of the day you gotta do what you gotta do. But I would keep looking for sugar daddies that don’t disgust you

Apps for site maps/planning

Hi guys, I’m working on getting my permaculture certification and I’m trying to figure out a good app for making site maps and plans to scale. Does anyone have a recommendations? Preferably something compatible with an IPad since that’s what I have currently. I’ve been using SketchUp but I just started using it so idk how to feel about it.

Red flag, I don’t host never hosted an SD in my time sugaring. I had a few that were married so I couldn’t go to there house but they would get a nice hotel. If they asked me to host it’s an immediate no. I had one tell me since I wouldn’t host that he would find a cheap hotel and that’s a no too. Or if they try to take it out your allowance. If they can’t afford a nice hotel for a night and an allowance then they can’t afford a SB.

Turn the feelings into a lessons that you learned from not regrets, everyone makes relationship mistakes especially at 18. And if your friends judge they are not your friends. I’ve been taken advantage of in vanilla and sugar relationships but all you can do is learn from it, you can’t change the past

Any sexual messages before we’ve actually met or done anything is a quick block from me. I had pot on at a meet and greet try to offer me extra money for anal and another asked me to sleep with his friend for extra money because he was having wife troubles

Okay! Thank you so much for this advice!

Thank you! I don’t really know anything about fish. Would you replace the goldfish the minnows?

Ok I didn’t know, it just looks so yuck and I didn’t want it to harm the goldfish lol

Also explain that Botox doesn’t last very long, so if it looks terrible you don’t have to do it again

I would explain that it’s something you really want or just ask for cash. In my personal experience most men seem to have negative associations with cosmetic procedures out of fear that it looks fake or unnatural. My SD and I are in a serious relationship so my situation might be a bit different but he paid for me to get lip filler recently even though he was against it at first. I showed him some before and after photos of the look I wanted (which is very natural) and the work of the clinic I went to and he agreed although he says 1ml is enough lol

Yeah I have all my work logs that show I worked overtime and the paystubs that show I didn’t get over time on my check. I just filed a IRS report

Yeah this what I thought, I’m leaving the company in the next week and I’ll be reporting it to the IRS

Employer paying overtime as reimbursementTax Question

Hi, so I’m an hour employee and I often work overtime but when my employer pays me they only put 40 hours on my paycheck and give me a second check where they pay me overtime as if it were a reimbursement. They told me it’s so I don’t have to pay more taxes which sounds a little odd to me. Is this illegal and can I get in trouble?


He does the same thing, I even got one that latches and he can undo it. He’s an absolute menace when it comes to water.