"Alright, class, we're going to be studying mythology today. Remember, these are works of fiction, which have at one point or another been believed as true by many people.

While ficticious, there are still good lessons to be learned from these stories.

Now, who wants to tell me why the girls intoxicated and raped their dad? What's the lesson here?"

I say it as a joke, but we also have to realize that the recent rulings by SCotUS have opened the door to this exact thing.

We also know, through recent history, that the Republican party will abuse any tool they can get their hands on.

Sometimes, the only way to beat something is to use itself against it. The Reps have given the Dems a layup, and they've strongly telegraphed their plans - this is the moment to strike.

Unfortunately, recent history also shows that Dems like to play by the rules and "be morally above" the Reps. So, you know, we're just fucked.

This country leans so far to the right, filled to the brim with corruption, the only way to stop the metaphorical tower from collapsing is to remove the pests that eat away at the foundation and repair the damage.

Easy enough. Remove all opposition as an official act. Claim they're terrorists that have infiltrated the highest ranks in the land. (Not a complete lie, tbh)

The runoff definitely does not "do the same thing." Wash your nasty feet. If not in the shower, then get a little bucket or something and have a seat. Make sure you get a good scrub in since it's been a while.

Two instances.

First, I was 7 or 8. A kid who was 10 or 11 told me to suck his dick. I refused. He grabbed his dad's hunting rifle and chased me around the house with it, cornered me, had it in my face.. and his mom walked through the door.

Second, I was 20. Caught my girlfriend fucking my lifelong best friend (could hear them through the wall). Tried to confront them, non-aggressively (other than a single hit on a wall and a loud yell to get their attention), but they had barricaded the door with her luggage. It was late, I had nobody to talk to, and I was struggling with depression. Left to jump off a bridge. Changed my mind. When I came back, there were a dozen cops looking for me. Guns drawn, pointed at me, and ready to shoot.

Apparently, after I left, they had called the cops and said I attacked them with a weapon. Situation really fucked up my life - had to deal with a year of court and being threatened with prison for assault with a weapon.. which I didn't do. But two vs. one and probable cause, I guess? 10 years of PTSD from that debacle.

I hate guns.

"My understanding is..."

"Unless I'm mistaken..."

"I believe..."

Lots of ways to cover your ass.

Evasion from exile would be disgusting. How about..

Force of Wonder - 1U

Creature - Illusion

If this card would be put into your graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.

As long as this card is in exile, Illusion creatures you control have +1/+1 and hexproof.


[[Pull from Eternity]]

[[Time Reaper]]

I'm guessing there are more cards like these, but these two come to mind immediately.

It's definitely a tough thing to interact with.. but also a neat design space that could be worth exploring. (Maybe not by granting evasion, though)

I think a big issue for me is.. I'm.. maybe too nice to most people?

I feel it sets off people's BS detectors when I'm just being myself. Truth is that I just don't think it's worth it to not be nice/kind to everyone unless they specifically do something to warrant another behavior. I think it leads people to believe that I have some alterior motives. 😞

Even on Reddit, I try to give the benefit of the doubt to people who are arguing with me about something, and only resort to non-friendly behavior after they've made it clear that they're not acting in good faith.

So, with that in mind, how do I apply OPs question to my scenario? I don't expect anything from the people I interact with. (Though I hope that they'll believe me.. I have deep-rooted issues with people thinking I'm lying when I'm not)

So far, the best I've been able to do is accept the fact that not everyone is going to like me for who I am. They will assume I'm disingenuous because of experiences with many people who have been exactly that. It would be nice not to have to apply that logic so frequently, though.

Oh, for sure. Ezio will get pretty low.

I'd say wait up to two months, pick the cards up, and don't look back. As time goes on, the cards in this set should grow in value due to it being a limited print, and WotC may never make a "universes within" version for many of them.

I expect Excalibur to see a lot of reprints.. since it's a thing that makes an appearance in multiple franchises. Same for [[Tax Collector]] and the [[Templar Knight]], as those are generic names with abilities that make sense outside of this set.

Anything AC specific, like Ezio and Altair, will almost certainly do a dip and a slow climb with time. (Especially if they release anything that breaks them)

All speculation, of course, so don't yell at me in 8 years if every card in this set (other than the reprinted Swords of X&Y) are under $1

On that note, she should have Undying instead of Persist.

I mean, Phase 2 is more difficult than Phase 1, right? This would, of course, make her nearly unkillable.. since she could remove her own +1/+1 counter.

He can do almost anything he wants now. Including the forceful removal of all conservatives by first declaring them as terrorists.

We've all seen that he's comfortable with Israel's tactics for dealing with terrorists. Well, he can do that in America now as well.

He can become the very thing that Republicans have been trying to paint him as for the last 3 years. Of course, if he did, that would mean they were right.. but it's perfectly legal now.

And the worst part? If he doesn't, and Trump wins, the opposite will happen.


Yep. That's my plan as well.

All I want are [[Caduceus]] [[Excalibur]] and a few copies of [[Reconnaissance]] now that it's like $1 instead of $15

Maybe [[Senu]], still undecided on that.

All for my [[Eight-and-a-half Tails]] voltron.

The total cost, even now, is about $20-25. That's 3 packs. I suspect it'll drop to 2 packs cost in a week or two.

I had already talked about SAVE previously and why it doesn't count as forgiveness, but it is still a good thing and that I give him some credit for. I'm on SAVE.

The problem with SAVE is that it's a hanging blade. While it's useful now, the next administration could come along and remove it, which drops that blade on the necks of debt holders. This is a similar situation as to when the covid loan repayments were moved to $0, but with an expiration date due to COVID. Only now we don't have any idea when that blade might drop.

I had to read the PSLF info that you provided because I couldn't remember what that one did. After reading, I went, "Oh, yep, I remember this one now." Again, it's a good thing, but it's not debt forgiveness. It's also a thing I had mentioned before (albeit more broadly), where people were getting screwed by existing repayment plans, and not getting credit for making payments towards their 10,20,25, whatever years of payments until forgiveness. He put this into place because these people should have had their debt forgiven already, but the faulty system/greed of lenders/etc. was denying it to them.

So, yes, you're right. I won't be saying he's done debt forgiveness because he hasn't. I want to reiterate that we're talking about direct debt forgiveness here. Biden came into office after campaigning that he'd forgive 50k (and then later 10k, which itself is stupid when he could just do 100%, which 50k essentially would be for most of us) for every borrower with government-held loans.

So far he's done some good things regarding debt forgiveness, but none of those things are actual debt forgiveness - they're enforcements to things that were already in place but "loopholes" were being used to avoid actual forgiveness. As well as the effective extension to $0 payments, which, again, can be reversed by a future administration to completely destroy the lives of these borrowers.

The thing he attempted and it got struck down? That would have been actual forgiveness. He can use different laws/acts to enforce that plan, ones that would work better than the one he submitted, but he doesn't appear to care enough to actually do it.

Did the same thing with my then-girlfriend back in 2005? 2006? Good times.

The reality that people live in is what matters. Those debts did not get forgiven. He needs to keep trying and trying different methods to get any credit for actual forgiveness

You've failed to show even one instance where the financial situation was improved for the people, so no, I will not be admitting to being wrong, considering my initial point still stands.

I give the man some credit for trying, but that's all he gets. Nobody can claim that he actually forgave those debts when they're still there.

You can remove his slong from your throat now.

My personal favorite is [[Knight-Captain of Eos]]

A little pricey and heavily telegraphed.. but it's a repeatable fog engine with any of the dozens of soldier token generators (including simply blinking it)

I'll be honest, I don't even know what defines somebody as a "liberal"

It's certainly not the same as a "progressive," which is the box I believe I fall into.

Biden has certainly done many positive things, but people are trying to give the man credit for things he hasn't done - things that haven'tbeen done at all.

It's wild to think that so many people went from hating the guy to gargling his wrinkly balls. It's almost Trump-cult style behavior.

So your statement is about as stupid as me saying you didn't forgive student loans, did you? You have just as much power to do it as Biden does.

Correct, I have not forgiven student loans. Just like Biden (tried) but did not forgive student loans.

You can only give him credit for doing it if he actually did it. He tried. He failed.

If you try to lift something while somebody else is trying to hold it down, and it doesn't budge, you can't say, "Oh, I lifted that, but they stopped me."

If he had actually succeeded in loan forgiveness, the SCotUS wouldn't have been able to "reverse it" because the loans would have been zeroed out.

So, again, I challenge you to find an instance where Biden actually forgave student loans that weren't already supposed to be forgiven

If you can do that, I will admit you're right and will sing his praises.

Biden did forgive the loans, and SCotUS blocked it.

That means he didn't forgive the loans. It got blocked. Anybody on the left could have told you that his chances of forgiving loans through that act were horrible. He has other options with better chances of working and hasn't even tried them. It seems intentional, tbh.

Again, show me an instance where he actually did loan forgiveness, which wasn't an enforcement of something that was already supposed to be happening.

I'm aware of his one attempt, which used a ruling that anybody on the left could have told you would fail.

The person I replied to said he had already done debt forgiveness. That implies success. I was talking about every reported "success" that Biden has had.

I can give him credit for trying, really, but he hasn't actually done anything as far as I've ever seen.. and I try to stay up-to-date with this topic specifically.

All of that helps, but again, I strongly encourage utilizing games as well.

Something like Monopoly, Catan, or anything else where you can "Make a good trade deal," but you end up completely screwing them over.

Let them know you would never do something so underhanded in real life, but that other people regularly will, and that they need to always throughly think things through before making any deal that seems "too good to be true" or even "mutually beneficial"

I understand that his attempts failed, mainly because he used methods that everyone knew would fail - Trying to discharge the loans through, I forget what the act was called, but it was a sort of "Emergency" act that he tried to apply due to the pandemic, instead of using one of the older education acts that gives him the ability to dismiss the loans entirely.. and he hasn't even attempted the better option.

I was responding to a comment saying that he has already done debt forgiveness. That would imply success, not failure.

Of his successes, I've only seen what I described in the previous post.