It's people interpreting Centrelink webpages. Unfortunately there is not a definitive answer to your question. Sometimes a couple who doesn't live together might be considered Partnered, but not always. Depends on the exact circumstances of a couples relationship.

Please contact Centrelink directly, then they can look at your relationship and see whether you are deemed Partners for Centrelink purposes.

A local Facebook group could help. Often people have formula they no longer use.

I have no idea, sorry. But, wanted to say my thoughts are with you at this super tough time. Xxxx

I've found it's best to upload, then ring the next day to ensure they code it.

At the end of my Sonic the interviewer said I'd passed all medical sections and it was now up to Centrelink.

Took 7 weeks after that to get my claim accepted.

I think it can vary wildly between applications. Eg Some people online have said they got an outcome sooner than I did.

Honestly I don't personally see a difference in ability to so something. To me they are the same, but 1 is more formal.

To me "I will be able to" sounds like you know you definitely will be able to do it.

"I can do it Friday" sounds a bit more relaxed.

"I will be able to come to your party." sounds more formal than "I can come to your party."

To me the probability of you being able to do something on a certain day is the same whether you say "will be able to" or "can do".

Would your GP back you as having to leave the job for health reasons?

If yes, resign stating health reasons, and make sure your Separation Certificate says that.

Gorgeous, but the cheeks on the most recent ones are awful.

Generally payments can't be backdated. They go from the date you enter a claim.

You could always give Centrelink a call to be sure. Unfortunately it is super hard to get through and talk with anyone.

Soupy is a cutie!! Doubly so with that dweeby name!

While it's not floor length it is fairly long, so I reckon you're fine. And, perfect for this time of year.

It can also go the other direction where a Dad takes the kids and Mum is left to fight to get visitation.

Unfortunately a Mum in a breastfeeding group I was in was in the situation of not having seen her kids in months or years, despite there being no reason to have the father have 100% custody.

My understanding is without any parenting orders a parent can take the kids, deny the other parent access, and that parent then has to go the legal route to obtain visitation or custody. I don't believe Police can take kids off a parent unless they are at actual immediate risk of danger. Unless there is a legal parenting plan.

I was really surprised as she was very dry all through the interview. Then threw in that information sounding happy and friendly.

Paradies - Die Toten Hosen

Die Zehn Gebote - Die Toten Hosen

Very scared for decent, open minded people living in the US.

Sad our relatives fought and died to stop Fascism in WWII, and people still haven't learnt from what went so horribly wrong then.

Very, very glad my family (especially our tween daughter) live on the other side of the world.

Yeah. It's such a shame as the rest if the tattoo is awesome.

The base pay rates section is what you need to show your employer.

If you are scheduled to work Mondays and Tuesdays as a permanent employee, and a public holiday fall on 1 of those days, you get paid 1 day for public holiday taken and for 1 day worked. So, 2 days pay for that week.

Did your employer give their reason for denying pay for that day?

Sylvia and Celeste are a bit too similar to me, and sound a bit like a tongue twister.

And, you have forced unpaid time off every school holidays.