Boston dynamics: this one can juggle a deck of cards and organize them while jumping on one foot.

Elon stans: You don't understand though. The one Elon is building is gonna have so much AIs in it. It's just a case now but imagine if he put a computer inside and it solved cancer.

What a dipshit.

This guy: one kind oppression is real and one is fake and that's the same ... (20 minutes later we're all dumber)"

There were two parts to it.

There was a promise to increase spending on schools and then there was adding extra work for schools to track test scores which needed to meet a certain threshold to avoid having funding taken away. It all passed.

Then the republicans opted not to fund the part where the schools were supposed to get extra money so it ended up as only new requirements, penalties and a rigid reliance on test scores and the republicans absolutely own that completely.

Even without money no one else would have been allowed to break a gag order that many times; specifically threatening the jurors, judge and their families without getting locked up.

No. He's been getting preferential treatment in all of his trials. Anyone else would be in jail now.

The Supreme Court just ruled that agencies staffed with experts weren't competent to rule on things like the dangers of chemicals that their agencies are specifically set up to monitor and said that judges would be making those calls from now on.

Just think about that in the context of judges like this fucking moron and how dangerous this much stupidity in a case involving pollution effecting millions of people will be. Thats our new official regulatory framework and its going to kill people.

Yeah, it's a clumsy headline. I also initially thought it was a story about someone getting the death penalty.

Up to 9 years

She was sentenced to prison "for death" of child not sentenced "to death" for the death of the child.

The entire conservative majority is just making shit up as they go.

If the text is anything less than 100% clear they claim to be textualists who must rigidly interpret the law by the letter.

If the text is unmistakable then it's time to examine the history and tradition, or perhaps original intent of the founding fathers, or maybe it's over reach on the part ofvthe legislature to legislate or the executive to execute.

If all else fails then its time to sY tgat the whole situation raises "major questions" amd rewrite it all in any way they want.

They have been changing their methodolgy with each decision to push forward their ideology.

Biden isn't allowed to create debt relief but trump can do a coup and it will be illegal to ask him about his intentions which must be assumed to be 100% presidential. That's where we are at right now.

Don't worry. He and his buddies legalized corruption this term so there's no problem here. /s

Its hard to get sucked into the narrative while scrapping literally every piece of litter. Every time it roared I was kind of "yeah, yeah ill get to you".

Must be counting every re-delivery of the broken truck as a separate delivery.

It won't be a majority. He'll lose the popular vote again. But in the gerrymandered, electoral college version of democracy where campaign financing is dictated by Citizen's United it will probably be enough.

The death of American democracy will be a tragedy for the whole world.

The father does have some say. He can make his case to the mother. But, if she decides not to risk her own life to bare his children then his opinion is moot.

This isn't complicated shit.

This is a half step away from the British fascination with their royals. She never asked to be made into a public figure. Leave her the fuck alone.

It's weird how those last forever while the ones walgreens gives out with prescription meds have half the marks smudged off before the end of a 10 day ear infection prescription.

Thanks for everything Slowmo

Yeah ... but ... after I killed the scavengers and before I helped launch them I did completely loot that boat.

I'm not proposing changing the ticket. I'm proposing raising the profile of the cabinet (but Harris specifically). Try to assuage doubts by focusing on the depth of our bench. Kamala just needs to exude personsl competence and confidence in Biden. If she's very publically committed to the Biden platform then the possibility of him suffering some fatal or incapacitating illness shouldn't be as big of a deal. And if focusing g on our team also sheds some light on the absolute dumpster fire that is trump's cabinet so much the better.

Oh whoops, no. The Supreme Court scheduled a giant shit to land on us all a little later.

You see they sent it back to the lower court to figure out some definition of "official capacity" that should be done ... right around ... oh I don't know ... just guessing ... November maybe?

This is the future.

Dipshit judges get to over rule legislative bodies and the executive branch.

Also, the Supreme Court keeps shooting down anti-corruption measures so its effectively legal for the ultra-wealthy to bribe an all powerful, unaccountable judge and get whatever result they want.

6 more justices confirmed 1 year ago could have prevented a lot of unnecessary harm.

That's a trap though. If Biden does try to use his new immunity the court will quickly clarify that it's not the kind of immunity they meant while all the republicans who have been pretending Biden is a dictator all along will say "See look, he's doing it right now".

Biden can't run as the candidate who wants to preserve democracy through a heel turn to tyranny.

But if trump wins the same court will continue to employ the tactics they have been using recently to tip everything trump's way. If he wants to ship Biden to Guantanamo Bay, Alito will bite the hand of anyone that tries to write the opinion justifying it before he can.