Wear a helmet.

That’s a good tip.

NTA - wow - she is a dumbass!!! She had a baby with that douche! She can go live with his mom. They can all live together in a studio.

Get your finances in order. Glad you’re financially independent.

And those idiots show up with a vengeance to vote.

Please, everyone, remember that this fall and vote blue like your life depends on it.

They plan on prosecuting every single one so women get felonies and can’t vote or work.

Two of my friends wouldn’t be alive.

One would have left her husband with 5 children under the age of 6.

There is no way in Hell I would love to Texas while pregnant. Nor would I get pregnant if I lived in Texas.

That is too big of a gamble.

No and I thought it was ripe. The skin peeled easily - almost fell off.

She says her physical activity dropped because she is taking care of the baby. That is where her time is spent.

I always see it as the man’s fault when there are young children involved and he is complaining about his wife not being physically fit/active.

He needs to watch the kids so you can go to your fitness classes and have some time for yourself for self care.

Canter in the western saddle. It gives you and the horse a lot of support and encourages a long leg.

Focus on having your outside shoulder back. It helps balance you in the correct position.

Agreed. I cannot imagine a child seeing what happens in a slaughter house once - much less every day.


I’ve never had an issue. I have seen cast members get abused.

You can’t figure out how to either plan a day off and/or wear red in 3 weeks?

Thanks for your input. Go ahead and spread the word about the boycott. Thank you!