Welcome to the club! That's actually a good place to take a break. Harry has some down time there too, recuperating from his physical ordeal. We pick things up with him again some time as that recovery concludes.

Yes, for sure. Very interesting and "fun" that MICHAEL AND CHARITY brought MOLLY into the world. :-)

But, it's certainly not uncommon for children to look "outside the circle of their parents" for ways to declare themselves "autonomous" in the world.

I don't think we have specific situational details, but it's made pretty clear that she struggled with gender discrimination her whole career. Particularly as she began to move up the ladder - my impression was that plenty of the brass was fine with women being police officers as long as they focused on being meter maids and things like that - but Murphy started to "climb the ladder" and no doubt took "career advancement" opportunities from men who also wanted them, and they resented that. I assume it just built up over time until finally someone just said, "Ok, we'll ship her to SI and we'll be rid of her soon."

It wasn't "necessary." He could have established Molly's personality and later her crush on Harry in some much more mild way. I mean, part of me respects him for the audacity, and I can't say enough good words about how good this series is. But my family situation at the time just made that bit slightly hard for me.

My main reason for pointing it out was to contrast it with the "sex scenes." Those don't really bother me at all. I mean, they're not why I read the books or anything like that (if they were, there wouldn't be enough of them to keep my interest). But they don't "put me off." Adults have sex. There's no reason to think it wouldn't happen in the Dresdenverse.


My understanding is that in the early books his first wife, whom he was with at the time, wrote some of those scenes for him. So through the series you've got at least two writers in play on those.

She was a romance novel writer, so... I suppose she had experience in the arena.

I actually only think offhand of three scenes in the series I'd regard as "sex scenes." I'm thinking of a) the Harry / Susan scene in Death Masks (far and away the most overt), b) the "Harry is the new Winter Knight" scene with Mab in Changes, and c) the Harry / Murphy dream scene in Skin Game. Three scenes out of seventeen books really isn't very many. I don't really count Harry / Murphy in Peace Talks - the actual event was mostly skipped over, iirc. But, we could say that makes four if you prefer. And I definitely don't count the Harry / Lara scene in Peace Talks - that didn't really go into any detail either.

So at least you haven't had to skip over very much.

None of those made me uncomfortable as much as the tree-house scene in Death Masks did. I have five daughters, and first time I read that one a couple of them were about the age Molly was there. The whole idea of such an encounter was bothersome to me. Standard "not ready for my daughters to grow up yet" syndrome, I guess.

I think Rudolph's steady escalation of "unhinged" is spread all through the series. Every time he shows up he's more erratic.

Much appreciated! I will check it out. These "really good" series seem rare - great when we can help on another along.

I personally only tested it on my browser. There was also the moderator involved who actually implemented the button - I can't say what level of testing he did.

All the button really does, though, is open a particular formatted URL. If a client doesn't properly interpret that URL, then I'd regard that as a problem with that client.


See this image:


That dialog pops up in the browser new post screen if you click where it says "Add flair and flags." I have the dialog scrolled down. Just turn on the switch next to Spoiler. Then click Add.

I do it in a different way via a moderator menu. Unfortunately I don't know how the iOS and Android clients work.

Oh, I will check it out. Always interested in new possibilities. Thanks!


Spoilers All was great - it lets people know not to click into the post unless they've read all the books (or at least to do so at their own risk). The [spoiler] flag is a separate thing, and its main effect is to prevent that "in-lining" I mentioned. There are several "modes" you can choose in your browser for looking at the main community feed. I usually use one that shows me only the post titles, because I like to see a lot of titles on-screen at once. But one of them, called the "card view," shows the title and the first dozen lines or so of the post. If there's a spoiler in those first lines, then we want to also set the [spoiler] flag, because it defeats that in-line presentation.

Don't worry about it at all - you can't very well just automatically know all these things. We kind of look out for one another around here. :-)


u/Any_Application8616, I added appropriate flair and flag to your post. We have a standard way of handling posts like this (photos etc. that "evoke" Dresden without being explicitly connected to particular plot). I just wanted to let you know.


u/Wolfhound1142, I added the [spoiler] flag to your post, to prevent its content from inlining into the main feed for people using the Card view of the community.


u/Zlaydedragon, I added the [spoiler] flag to your post. That will keep the post contents from inlining into the main feed for people using the Card view of the community.

I don't see how we know automatically that the baby will be affected by Nemesis. I mean, maybe, but I don't see that Jim's under a requirement on that front.

Yes, it would. It explains an awful lot, which is why I've had trouble letting of the idea. Jim may or may not go there, but I certainly think he could and it would fly just fine.


There's also a button for filtering Memes, and a button for filtering both. It's not that big a deal, though, and I just spoke with other mods about it and we don't want to try to enforce such a thing. So just do your best. Fan Casting is kind of an obvious flair, and over time we've evolved Meme into kind of a "catch all" for posts that "make someone think of Dresden somehow" but don't really tie hard into the plot in any particular way. Please just use your best judgement and all is well.

Thanks for the reply!

I got two of these:


I run Fedora, not Ubuntu, but I'm able to use the stock VLC app to stream from those cameras. Just go under Media/Open Network Stream and use a URL like t his:


Hope that helps!


Deliberate disruptive behavior can be acted on. Please don't deliberately try to cause problems in the community.


I really feel like this sort of post, which is intended as a joke rather than a serious suggestion, should be housed in Meme rather than Fan Casting. We have no official policy on it though; I may bring it up with the other moderators.

Exactly. I think something like that is exactly what happened. The hard 180 he took toward Karrin just makes no sense unless we invoke some sort of explanation like this.

Definitely my favorite too, and in fact it's made it harder to read other things. If it doesn't rise pretty quickly to Dresden level of "suck me in," I tend to lose interest and just pick up Storm Front.

I did find the Daniel Faust series by Craig Schaefer recently, and it comes closer than anything else I've run across to scratching the Dresden itch. Lot of books, too - when you count the spin-off series and the other "same world" offerings, you've got well over 20 books. You can see the lay of the land here; that "world" is referred to as "The First Story."


Give it a look - you might enjoy it!


That's one of the options that was considered at the time. Currently there are no plans to change the policy.