Break the bottom part where the air bubble is then sort of roll the edges of the cracked area to expand it until the entire shell is cracked, it should be easier to peel now

I was like "new years is months away" so I was confused for a second

I think that is only slightly a coincidence, all of these languages are indo-european so they have the same root words for both night and eight. Since the same sound changes happen within a language, the two words will be somewhat similar since the original root words happened to also be

Call me a stand arrow cause Imma penetrate you

Bro looks like one of the guys who follow the guy with a huge ass

Ninjago power rangers ah band

You sure, cause I've seen plenty: the ninjago one, the x step one, sexy and I know it. Well, there has been an increase in lookalikes tho

"Förväntas" means "is expected to be" however here they have written "förvätas" which means "is being hydrogenated"

The spaghetti was just the first coarse

🔮♣️Royal Mage Jester♠️🔮

No they don't

This photo reminds me of those nuclear shadows

We were born to impregnate the stars

The Americas truly are scary

Please use proper phonetic characters when writing within square brackets

This website is pretty useful:

Otherwise, I really like the aesthetic of it!

Halfling is kind of a slur as it refers to Smottings, though it's not used in a derogatory way, they really don't like being called that

Is there a place you can look at these as spheres?

Doesn't look like anything to me other than "up"