Delusional. Guaranteed models are underestimates.

Agreed there's no reason to move, you won't be able to predict a winner

Exactly. There's only a certain number if fires within a certain timeframe that a forest can take before it can't grow back too. What's left will not be of equal quality. It won't retaining water as well, creating erosion and flooding.

My dude, climate change is going to increase extreme weather EVERYWHERE.

The Great Lakes are going to see wild fires remove vegetation and expose soil to extreme rain events. You have no idea if the area will continue to have good agriculture, or lower natural disasters

Alaskan rivers are turning toxic right now from melting permafrost.

Since the permafrost has never thawed before, the rock and soil has never had a chance to weather.

Now that it's melting, the rocks and soil are weathering and releasing acid and heavy metals.

It's like having an abandoned mine site along every river in the state

My goodness guys. Climate change is going to increase extreme events EVERYWHERE.

Is Appalachia ready for 1 Every 500 Year rain events happening every 50 years instead?

What's the recharge rate of the water source? Drought will drain it faster, and extreme rain events are less effective at recharging.

What's their food supplychain look like? Net importer? How's that food moved? What's the power grid stability look like?

And they are wrong about flooding. Climate change is going to increase extreme rain events. Is your municipality's stormwater sized for it?

Wild fires higher in the watershed remove water retaining vegetation and increase erosion of water retaining top soil.

Just because they don't have floods now

Well we do have lists of where those people live

It's not a myth that they support austerity policies with the fervor of rabid dogs.

Yes even the poor as shit ones.

So what? Boomers built a society around austerity policies.

Now they reap what they sow.

They where literally called the "Me Generation"

Boomers spent their lives supporting austerity policies.

Saying otherwise is revisionist.

I have no sympathy for them reaping what they sow

Oh for sure! Just thinking about how "collapse" will likely look like.

They are already claiming trump raped those kids on Epstein island because he was undercover.

We could reverse course at anytime we just choose not too

Technically can't bring growth as the biosphere fails

The easiest to notice sign of collapse is when society can no longer recovers from disasters.

When infrastructure or services are not restored to the same level before a disasters, you know you are currently in collapse.

Has anyone noticed reduced quality of services post covid?

A big part part that's not very well understood is that collapse is likely extremely gradual.

It's a continuing degradation of everything. Base costs going up from a failing environment are impossible to reverse. Coupled with decreasing quality of products and services. You will continue to pay more, for lessfrom here on out.

The collapse process could take hundreds of years, think if the fall of Rome. Of course there will be big disasters, collapse is society's failure to recover from these events.

When you see a road washed out that is abandoned instead of replaced. That's collapse. When farmers abandon land (aquifers not recharging, increased salinity, fertilizer supply chain costs) instead of replanting. That's collapse. When the refugee camp becomes permanent. That's collapse. When the poor eat less and less beef because of the increasing scarcity of cattle, from loss of gazing land, mass livestock die off, increasing feed costs. That's collapse

Well it's not a mass exstinction event to terraform mars.

And I don't think anyone is proposing digging a sea