That seems like a sound approach. Keep us updated!!

Hmmm...that's an interesting conundrum. I'm no expert, so take this all with a grain of salt. But what I have read up on regarding foundations on top of roots or loose soil, is that a pier foundation might not be adequate. It seems you want to spread the weight out over a larger footprint, like a snowshoe on fresh snow. But, I know it's not always feasible to do that on an off grid build. Again I would look at helical piers....they might be worth it. But honestly, unless your soil is super soft and completely infiltrated with roots, I feel like piers would be fine.

That seems plenty deep. So you're worried that the roots below the piers could rot and cause the foundation to shift?

Are you planning to put your footings on grade with the soil? It sounds like you are going to have your footings two feet below grade? If there's an issue with water maybe consider using helical piers? Although, roots might make that hard.

This has always been my take as well. When you're a student the year is broken up into quarters and holidays and any number of distinct markers that break things up. Once you get into the 9-5 it all starts to blend together. No spring break, no summer vacation, no winter break.

I used to have my own holiday lighting company. Check out the following retailer:

You pay more but the lights usually have a 3 year warranty. It's well worth it to go with a commercial brand then purchase something at the box store or through amazon.

Does this mean there's hope for Russia? Or only under a scenario of complete defeat? I know it's a random question but I find the parallels between 1930's/40's imperial Japan and modern Russia interesting.

Not yet! I'm ordering wood soon to do the framing (walls, roof, etc). The goal is to start working on it by the middle of July. I will make sure to make a new post when that happens. Thanks for asking!

Of course there is! The important thing is that this is all communicated and understood between spouses. You mentioned any context that implies a breach of trust and a breaking of whatever contract exists between those two people. If you have good communication and a mutual understanding of your boundaries and have agreed to a more "open" relationship, then a man having sex outside of their marriage isn't cheating.

Edit: correction, you mentioned "getting sex outside of their marriage" and did not specifically state cheating. Still, I believe your comment implies as much? Perhaps I am misinterpreting?

Agreed. Your point also illustrates the importance of context. Someone being married off in an arranged marriage to someone they do not love is a lot different than having a spouse fall out of love with you and distance themselves sexually.

I think you and I agree. It's a complicated question with lots of hypotheticals that can render my generic response somewhat useless. Hopefully people aren't marrying someone who they have no sexual relationship with. But, it does happen.

But I completely agree, It's your choice. Divorce or stay.

Marriage is a social contract. You are making a promise to someone to stick it out no matter what. That means even when things aren't ideal. There are ups and downs. Sex is often a big one that ebbs and flows. If a man is truly unhappy they should start first with a healthy dialogue, then professional help (counselor, doctor, etc.). If things still aren't working and are dysfunctional a man can decide to end that social contract by getting a divorce. There may still be bad blood but by going through the proper channels and showing your spouse the love and respect to be transparent and willing to work with them you maintain your honor. Cheating is a cowardly and weak act. You face none of your issues and choose to undermine trust and harm your partner emotionally. It's a route that avoids confrontation and the necessary hard work of communication. True strength lies in facing problems head-on and seeking solutions, whether together or apart. Marriage requires commitment, and opting for infidelity as a solution is not only a betrayal of vows but also a failure to uphold the respect and dignity that every relationship deserves.

I'm already working on ideas for this next season. My partner just rolls her eyes, ha ha!

Russia: we must deter NATO from arming their borders!

Also Russia: Invades a democratic country threatening peace in Europe

NATO: starts arming their borders

Russia: Surprised Pikachu face

For sheer repeatability and uniqueness of sound....I love walk with me in hell. Blacken the cursed sun is just so angry, I love it. From some of their earlier stuff I really like for your malice.