Yes. Most of them. Some of them from elementary school even.

Idiots like you are so insufferable. You keep acting tough on the internet. I guarantee gun to your head they're taking all your shit while you do nothing. You can posture about how you wouldn't stand for that all you want.

Also, if you're just going to go for ad hominem attacks and try to insult my intelligence maybe figure out which "you're" to use.

Good luck with your stupidity.

And? You think people knew her name because of that? The amount of people that know who she is now grew exponentially because of Caitlin Clark.

I go to Papa Angelo's twice a week and I didn't even know they delivered at all.

I clearly said I would defend my stuff. It isn't on principle, though. Fuck principle. I would rather be alive. I just like my stuff.

Is it for life or after 5 years I get 100m and can quit? (assuming I can beat the addiction)

Nah, I lied. Idgaf if people love water as long as they leave me alone.

If it barely hydrates you have to drink a bazillion to not be dehydrated.

I understand this is firmly in the "none of my damn business" category, but I do not understand how someone can "like" water, and it annoys me a lot when people say they love it.

Then do it. He's your brother I am sure you know things he is insecure about. I don't advocate bullying, but if he refuses to stop after you've already expressed that it hurts you then maybe if he gets a taste of his own medicine he will stop.

I'm not saying this is the right way to handle it, but I would intentionally say things to hurt his feelings 24/7 and give him his own response if he whines about it.

Wait, that isn't how logic works... The screenshotted interaction was someone posting only about OKC and then someone bringing up Tulsa. This post was where someone else already brought up the "rivalry". Thinking OKC considers themselves in a rivalry with Tulsa is next level cope.

No, that's just fucking stupid. God damn some of your fragile egos are astounding.

Eerily similar to my setup. Ultrawide with a portable monitor beneath it. Might I suggest a 180-degree adapter to make that cable on the portable a little neater. Looks awesome! Much tidier than my setup.

No, I know myself well enough. If I put my pet in an abusive situation for money it would only be a matter of time before the guilt made me uninstall life.

Yup this the answer I gave. He is old and the best chance of living a longer more comfortable life would be with these people. I might honestly do it for free if it meant he could live longer and happier.

Really tough question. My favorite pet it starting to get old and has early signs of health problems that I may not be able to afford. The only reason I would consider this is that these people might be able to extend the amount of time he enjoys a comfortable healthy life.

 cheese only is borderline disgusting

You sound picky.

That's fine, but they are still less likely to shoot you if you just acquiesce than if you attempt to defend yourself.