The majority are pissed. My hardcore liberal friends hate Trump, but want Biden gone yesterday.

LOL.No, he doesn't. The first 13.6 million is exempt. Don't give stupid advice when you don't know what you're talking about.

Ignore that dumb advice. You are not responsible for any tax on this money.

Nope. It's not his income!!! He doesn't pay any tax!!

Ordered mine on 5/27, and my dock was shipped days ago.

Unless poopy pants resigns, Trump is a sure thing in Nov.

The NYT has reported that he has been showing signs of significant decline for 6 months. Also, the G7 leaders were shocked at how much he had slipped since their last meeting. Nobody is buying the cold nonsense.

Biden lied about the 9% inflation rate when he became President, it was 1.4% in Jan 2020.

He lied about no service members being killed under his watch.

He lied about talking with the physician who developed insulin..The dude died before Biden was born.

He lied about talking with MITTERRAND at G7 in 2021. MITTERRAND died in 1996.

Yesterday in a radio interview, he said this...

" By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first Vice President, first black serve with a black President. Proud to be involved of the first black woman to be on the supreme court."

He's utterly bonkers LOL

Hahahahaha. Good luck with you demented POTUS.

Well, no. The sun heats up the water, and many find that they can't get it under 95 midsummer. Lots of threads in this issue in the past.