Glad you found something that worked for you but as someone who metabolizes caffeine dreadfully slow this is not helpful. Caffeine is caffeine.

Quitting caffeine significantly lowered my histamine bucket and I have not flared once in the last 13 days (except once with some chocolate chip cookies). My Dexedrine doesn’t cause any issues but never really did. I’m a slow metabolizer of caffeine. Found out after doing genetic testing through, I did the MCAS panel/test. I just learned of that site and it really helped me. I also found out I have issues metabolizing sulfur as well which I already knew but it was nice to see the proof as sometimes I wonder if I’m losing my mind with this stuff.

Ugh you’re right! Meant to say slow metabolizer. Thank you!!!

So welcome! I think there is also a group for it on here under the name of the gene. Good luck!

I used my raw data from Ancestry and downloaded to a company called The test I did was for MCAS. There’s different ones but the one I did for sure had it on there. Look into the CYP1A2 gene, it determines how slow or fast you metabolize caffeine and nicotine.

I’m less ugly now 😄 Found out I was a fast metabolizer and quit two weeks ago. My rosacea is almost gone and my puffy eyelids are no more. And yes no more sense of impending doom.

I was referring to fashion and cars etc when referring to being westernized by the way. But I can see how it was taken the wrong way.

I did not mean to demean anyone, and to anyone who feels this way I am truly sorry 😢 I just don’t think I used the correct wording. Thank you for your response.

Sorry to see you getting downvoted for your comment. There must be a lot of Mom Jean wearing followers on this sub.

Yes you’re right, my brain has been focused on Itqn lately because I was looking at pictures there before the revolution and it was such a beautiful time and culture. Thank you for reminding me how grateful I am to live in Canada. It’s definitely an extra Happy Canada Day for me now.

I don’t know if this is the group that dislikes fat or ugly people since we ourselves are being hated upon for our looks. But it sounds like you may have felt that way and I’m really sorry you feel like that. I’m just saying you know when someone hates you for being attractive and people assume it’s no big deal but it’s sometimes a curse. I’ve been both and neither is fun.

Oh wow, you’re right. Same as in Canada. A good reminder. Thank you.

For me the answer was no more caffeine in my system. As soon as I had coffee my eyelids would disappear from puffiness.

Wow I didn’t know about that, thank you for this. It’s like Iran in the 70s and then boom the Islamic Revolution made all these women wear burkas and not able to leave the house or go to college or university. The Iranian women lived a westernized life and it was all taken away from them. I am so grateful I was born here in Canada. The colonies are also a reference to co concentration camps. It’s all there we just can’t see it all.

Yes! Read the 48 Laws of Power! There are PDF copies available online. One is “ don’t outshine the master” or something similar. I learned that the hard way too.

Sadly you are wrong, but I admire your optimism. You did not have to call anyone a victim though, this is a group for trauma, you should know better. And yes accusing someone of having a victim mentality is implying they are a victim. Also there are narcissists everywhere. And social media is calling it out and I’m grateful for it. And it’s narcissistic personality disorder. These people are dangerous. Please do better.