Not likely :). Carpenter ants don't really destroy much. More of an annoyance than a risk to the house.

Carpenter ants forage pretty far. They like to nest in soft damaged wood so you probably had a leak at some point or still have a source of wood damage. I find that carpenter ants are pretty easy to get rid of though. You use their foraging against them. If you want to go the diy route buy a bottle of Termidor SC and spray it around the outside perimeter of the house on the bottom of the wall. When they go foraging they will get the Termidor stuck to them and take it back to the colony. You will be rid of them in a month or two. Each season do another spray if you still find live ones.

(Disclaimer: Termidor is toxic so please read official instructions carefully and if in doubt pay a professional)

I personally think it's a decent idea but probably an impractical one to implement. If that were a thing then we would now be at 4 different versions of the game right now. Every edit and every tweek the devs make would now need to account for 4 game versions so it doesn't break things. Currently they just need to account for two versions, eternal and the current season. Imagine once they are on like season 20. Bug city :)

Afghan war vet here. I was never under the illusion that there was much hope for Afghanistan becoming some blossoming beacon of civil rights and freedom but still... This hurts and I hate it.

Lol Ive been in enough CS to know there is NO WAY this is possible. Vape pen shoved in the empty canister I'd bet.

Push through! Show the xenon you can rise from the ashes and obliterate them!

Lol credit to your mom, I'm stealing that the next time my daughter asks "what is this"?

Lol yeah, might be a little laggy ;). Slideshow fps

It's gotta be the Elder Scrolls Arena from 94.

Lol but they NEED it! Happy cake day brother!

Congrats! Now spread the joy and buy Skyrim for your friend there that has it on their wishlist :).

This is the way. There's a little button down there that as soon as the brake pedal releases it even a little it turns the brake lights on. All you have to do is give it some taps to basically strobe your brake lights without actually applying brakes. Most people get the hint and back off or move over. The ones that don't get the hint discover that I can drive like an old lady coming from Sunday church if I want to :).

I think a lot of people here are making some incorrect assumptions. People are assuming that this is a brand new initiative and Ron said "screw little girls" and knocked it down. It looks more like it's just another line item that didn't survive the budget. This was in effect for an entire year already as Gov Desantis signed it himself into law a year ago. Looks like a bunch of education items got cut with this one actually. I hear there is a new push to raise teacher pay in FL so it's possible that they are trying to shift money around to make it happen. Florida is one of the few states that tries to balance the budget. Want higher teacher pay? Gotta cut from somewhere else or raise taxes. Nobody wants higher taxes so you get budget cuts and sometimes that includes arguably positive things getting the axe.

Bug, happened to me before on a clean save. Just kinda went away eventually on my playthrough.

Probably because she found out he records her sleepwalking lol

They do look like Marine Corps 53s. I've ridden in a number of them :)

Hmm I suppose the most feminine of the two wins.

I knew I liked that shot from the movie but wow you really did it justice! Very talented young lady!

Police Officers and Sheriff's Deputies are different and you can normally tell by their emblem. Police wear a shield where deputies wear a star. Police are normally city and deputies are normally county. The emblem in GTA there it shows police but with a star so it's a mix of two different things.

Lol I remember seeing one of those on the edge of one of the bases (I think Dwyer). One of the other guys said it was the CIA compound. That sounds about right to me.

Using the PHQ station as a nuke is pretty fun :). I like to turn my it into an overly armed defense station and just plop it into the middle of enemy territory.