The comments above are correct. You can legally sell re-bound books as long as you bought a physical copy and have altered that physical copy. This is because you’re basically selling the service of up-cycling the book. The physical copy of the book becomes a material required for the service but isn’t really the main feature in the finished and sold product. You could also think of it as being similar to buying and selling used books.

TLDR: as long as you are not re-printing and selling books that are not public domain in your country (sometimes the public domain requirements are different based on country) you are perfectly safe.

Copyright laws around books, movies and video games are kinda weird in my opinion. Technically (at least where I live) we’re not legally allowed to lend our copy to a friend but that’s a silly rule and no one would enforce that. We can buy and sell used books without any issues.

Our Britany spaniel who was terrified of touching running water jumped in the tub while I was having a shower and refused to get out all because the garbage truck drove by

My oldest dog (who is probably around 10 now) started doing this as well as trying to lay in the sink (which he is much too big to do) randomly a couple years back. It’s whenever there’s a storm, fireworks and sometimes just when the garbage truck drives by. I figured it had to do with scary loud noises and found it strange that it started quite suddenly but I never thought about it having to do with hearing loss which is a common problem for his breed. I’ll have to keep an eye out for any other signs of hearing loss now.

It’s so sweet that you built your dog their own bath tub. Such a cute story

It looks like the stitching is loose so you need to play around and figure out what tension works best for you. Personally I think you’ve got too many sheets per signature. You should also (imo) always put the signatures under weight for a night after folding them to help press them flat. Everything seems like it needs to be under weight while drying for longer. Some pieces of unfinished wood and some clamps, weights or even just a shit ton of textbooks to put on top will work as a nipping press

I’m not putting these in a frame. They’re going to be sold as matted prints at a print sale where they’re going to just be left out in a pile on the table for people to rummage through and even though I’m putting them in sleeves I’m still hinging them so that they stay together

I really only start a new farm when I try out a new mod like SVE or ridgeside. I kinda enjoy early game play but also get frustrated and just wanna explore the new content which is usually when I throw in mods likes the tractor mod and automate so I can speed through that first year and start building relationships with the NPCs

Thank you so much. I’ll look into a different tape

I think you can feed the carrots to the horse

I’d recommend you make sure SDV doesn’t update automatically and check tomorrow (assuming is updated) before you update it to check what mods are working with 1.6. This way if something is broken you can decide to not update and keep playing with your mods or update and play vanilla for a bit

Question about laminated paper coverings for case boundHelp?

Ik that when you wanna have a printed paper a case bound cover you should get it laminated to add strength and prevent glue from seeping through. What kind of lamination do you get?

The spine is going to be covered in book cloth and this is actually just a prototype so the strength doesn’t need to be super strong but I need to prevent glue from seeping through cuz it will be printed with an inkjet printer

Yes it would be more likely to occur on pages with more words but it’s always possible the printer didn’t have much equipment and only had that one h. I’ve never had the opportunity to try press printing so don’t quote me on anything. It’s just a little fun fact I’ve learned through bookbinding. It is always possible that it was just a typo. Great catch tho! I didn’t even notice it when I first read the page

If it was press printed it may not be a typo at all. Sometimes when printers don’t have enough of a certain letter they will use another letter that looks similar when glossed over. You see it a lot in really old documents

I’d recommend masking the subject instead of the background. It’s usually just easier. In Lightroom you can mask subject and it usually does a decent job and then you can add or remove using the brush and their auto mask brush is usually pretty good as long as the photo is properly exposed. Just remember that editing takes time and not all masks have to be perfect. Unless you’re replacing the background, you can get away with going over the edges a bit

Personally I’d say that unless the background is interesting or adds to the photo (i.e context or visual aesthetic) or being farther away has an intentional aspect (maybe like printing a certain size for gallery installation to force people to get real close or something like that) then crop closer to your subject.

If you wanted to make your background more interesting you can always add a fake sky in post. Some people don’t like doing this in wildlife photography but your photos are your choice. You can do this manually, using generative fill in photoshop or something like Luminar AI or Neo.

If you really wanna make things pop I suggest messing with the blacks and whites sliders for global adjustments, using masks to make your subject brighter a bit brighter than your background. My favourite trick is to go in camera raw (in photoshop) or in Lightroom, find the calibration section and turn the blue slider all the way up. It gets you more lifelike colours. If the blues get too blue, you can desaturate the blues instead of turning the calibration slider down.

I’d also suggest to always shoot in RAW no matter cuz my experience has been that editing has more options and turns out better when the photo was take RAW. If there’s a certain reason you want JPG, (sorry if you already know this) most cameras can take RAW and JPG at the same time. I’d also recommend setting your camera to shoot using Adobe RGB instead of sRGB (if it doesn’t already)

Yeah I would definitely brighten these up a bit more. Looks like it’s partly due to backlighting which isn’t always something we can control in wildlife photography so my best recommendation is to change your light metering settings to spot metering (if you haven’t already). I’ve found this to be helpful in getting the photos a bit closer to properly exposed in camera so that I don’t have to brighten it so much in post

I’d also open the photo in Lightroom classic turn the blue calibration slider all the way up. It should make the colours in the lion and the tree really pop

For the entire first year in game on my first play through I thought this was the only way to get refined quartz and couldn’t understand why such a difficult resource to get would be available so early on in the game. I was relieved when I discovered you can smelt the quartz

Question about multiplayerneed help :help:

Im going to be adding a second player house to my farm so that I can play SVE with my friend but I’m new to the mod thing and haven’t done multiplayer with them. My friend’s computer doesn’t run as well as mine and he’s worried that it won’t run all of the mods I have going atm.

On top of SVE I’ve got the chests anywhere and look up anything. I understand that my friend needs to have the SVE mods installed but does he also need the others to play? I don’t mind removing them for him to play but I’m hoping there’s a way I can keep them since the chests anywhere is so convenient


How do you identify that it’s 100% silk?

I like to keep my eye out for natural fabrics (especially silk) in bedding and curtain sections at thrift stores but they often don’t have tags on them stating the material they are made of. I know about the burn test to identify 100% natural fabrics but I don’t want to be buying a bunch of stuff that I’ll never use if it turns out to be synthetic.

Do you have any tricks for identifying it?

Ideally you’d buy book board (which has several other names as well). Often times you can find chipboard in around the vinyl sections at craft stores. Taking board from old books is always a great option. Sometimes you can even take the board from those vinyl covered 3-ring binders. I’ve used them a few times and it works great in a pinch but I’ve found it extremely difficult to cut the vinyl off and it required quite a bit of sanding to smooth out the board for reuse

The cording is just 5 pieces of 1mm thick hemp cord/string that I picked up at a local craft store and I followed this YouTube tutorial for making a finger-braided cord

Finished the slops!Finished Project/Outfit
  • First time braiding my own lacing cord. Finger braided with 5 pieces of 1mm thick hemp string

  • Forgot to buy aglets so I’ll just be tying off the ends for now. Left more than enough room to add aglets later. Also haven’t cut the ends off at the time of taking the photo

  • The instructions I wrote for myself on how I made the pockets so I don’t forget
