I wish they would make those titles so you can play it on Switch/other consoles. But I did have a DS to play 356/2 days (sorry if I got the number wrong) but I never saw any of the other non PlayStation games 😭

For me it’s also “I’m working on a word document, while drawing on photoshop and playing a game.”

Ok so hear me out! My cat did the same thing, for years, and I mean years (10) and I gotten into a stupid routine because of it, like waking up to feed him at 3-4 in the morning, no matter how hard I tried to stop. He would yell, knock things over etc. then I went to Japan last year and fiancĂ© was the one looking after our cat, and he didn’t get up, no matter what our cat did unless he actually broke something, and then my cat just stopped walking him up. And he hadn’t done that since!

We do feed them before we go to bed so around 11pm and he has access to our room, and open window in other rooms where night light shines through.

I can’t give you advice, but some cats really don’t enjoy darkness, so try that, but also get earplugs and just accept that things might not go well the first couple of weeks, with him knocking things over etc. but in the end it will help I think

My fiancĂ© did this, because the number thing was empty, except you just had to open it and pull out the numbers, and then he thought “people should have done this, now that I have a number, fuck the others I guess.” I got so angry, and I told him sternly that he disappointed me so much, because people were already in line and just because he fixed it doesn’t mean he can skip. I even told him “I teach kids who knows better then you.” I really scolded him like he was a child and honestly I think he got it after a while.. but I bet he would do it again, not because he is trying to be an asshole, I think it’s his autism or something and it just his logic thinking, but still.. infuriating


Sometimes punishment to one child doesn’t always work, and I am not into group punishment for a single kid, to be the go to solution all the time, but sometimes it is necessary because he learns that doing stupid stuff and not listening will effect the others and if the others get mad at him for ruin their trip, then maybe he will be careful not to do so next time, if he doesn’t like that the others are mad at him.

I understand that it might not be fun if it happened all the time, or if the kids continued to be mad at him long time after, then that has to be addressed,if it happens, but if it works then it works.

It probably isn’t, but when people ask other people questions but doesn’t tell their own answer in their post, I question it đŸ€·â€â™€ïž

I like that you ask others where they are from but you didn’t add your country in your post 😅

That I often imagine myself being another person, like being one of my character in the stories I read, to a point I wish I was them and almost feel sad that I’m not, because they get to experience or do things I can’t because one I don’t enjoy it myself but wish I did? And two, the gender is different than mine. Which also means I sometimes wish I was a different gender, simply because I want to do things because they can do it and I can’t, and that I daydream horribly a lot, like every time I get a chance to.

Now you have to find it and share cause I would love to play a game like this!

Chadtopian Citizen

I heard a cover of “I kissed a girl” from Katy Perry, but he had changed it to a kissed a guy, since it was for pride, if he had kept it wouldn’t he have just been straight?

Forrest Gump
 I’m sorry but I just don’t enjoy it and I don’t get the hype or the “it’s soooo good”

Same! As a teenager I puked all the time, as an adult, almost never, like 1-2 times a year.

Its so rare, like one or two a year but rarely because of the pain but more the migraine are causing to have nausea, yesterday almost being one of those days because it got so bad out of nowhere.

You just took the words out of my mouth! My fiancĂ© (yes after 12 years we reached that point) said he didn’t see the point of marriage, something along the line with your boyfriend while I feel like you do. The only reason we took it a step further was because he was semi drunk, emotional and just looked at me and said he loved me very much and that he wanted to marry me.

I wish I had advice to you, sadly I don’t, but I get where you are coming from.

KH2, and I would have enjoyed KH3 if she had longer hair, for some reason I don’t enjoy her hair as much, but KH 2 are in general my fav. Game, which mean I also enjoy Sora and Riku outfit more in that game.

Yeah, it has effected my memory, my concentration and also my speech at times, it doesn’t really effect my movements and abilities, only a few times when I get hit by dizziness

Just do it! Make your dreams come true!

Honestly I would be so poor if I lived near stores that sold those. I don’t even use them but I would end up wanting to collecting them

The first one, though I wouldn’t complain about any of them, the first one just hit something nice

I used to be really good at remembering stuff, but with MS I kind of lost that trait. But I have a vivid imagination and I daydream about new stories/work on my old stories all the time. If you saw me you wouldn’t believe how many stories are living in my head which will never see the light of the day, or how many stories I have started on but never finished 😅 or that I have a 330 page long story, a 150 page story and a whole world designed for my third story on my computer which I am working on all the time

Where is Mark that is in the hospital because he is sick with something? Cause I am sick with a migraine (not in hospital but more like in pain wise), I wanna be that Mark

I have MS (multiple sclerosis) and the whole saying something different then what you want is actually something I do at times, outside of migraines and I don’t know if it’s related to MS or just my brain being stupid, and I am not saying you have it, I’m just saying there might be something else going on with you then migraines