Never split the difference is excellent. I thik is well worth reading more than once and implementing the tools into your life. 

Frony my personal perspective WP + Woo means you need a developer available even for a simple store. Shopify you don't need a dev available. 

Leave it on the side of the road in Nawton. And spray paint "free" on it

Your looking at the low end of agency.

There are large well-established operations that large business can trust will always have recource to do the job at hand with well establish standard operating procedures and insurance.

At a point business need certainly not cost saving. 

Purchase a Chat GTP subscription and ask all your questions there. It's go so much good information.

Internal linking refers to the practice of creating hyperlinks that connect different pages within the same website. This is crucial for both user navigation and search engine optimisation (SEO). Internal links help distribute page authority and ranking power throughout the site, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages.

For your wellness company, here are some examples of internal linking not related to blogs:

Product Pages to Category Pages: If you sell various types of supplements, you can link individual product pages (e.g., Vitamin C Supplement) to their respective category pages (e.g., Immune Support Supplements).


On the Vitamin C Supplement product page, include a link like "Explore more Immune Support Supplements" that directs users to the Immune Support category page. Category Pages to Featured Products: Within a category page, you can highlight and link to featured or best-selling products.


On the Immune Support Supplements category page, feature a section titled "Best Sellers" with links to the top-selling products like "Vitamin C Supplement" and "Elderberry Extract". Homepage to Key Sections: Use the homepage to guide visitors to important sections of your site, such as product categories, special offers, or customer testimonials.


From the homepage, link to key areas with calls to action like "Shop Our Best-Selling Supplements", "Discover Our New Arrivals", or "Read Customer Reviews". Supplement Guide Pages to Product Pages: If you have informative pages explaining the benefits of certain nutrients, link these to relevant product pages.


On a page explaining the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, include links to specific Omega-3 supplement product pages with phrases like "Check out our Omega-3 supplements". FAQ or Support Pages to Relevant Products: On your FAQ or customer support pages, link directly to products that answer common questions or concerns.


In an FAQ answer about "What supplements help with sleep?", include links to your sleep aid products like "Melatonin Supplement". Internal linking improves the user experience by making it easy to navigate your site and find relevant information quickly. It also helps search engines understand the structure of your website and the relationships between different pages, which can improve your site's overall SEO performance.

I'm not sure any more. Its what the government is doing so clearly it's a suitable long-term Soultion.

We can sell more milk. Or just increase our housing pricing more to stimulate the economy

Could you provide some high level insights to the wider audience? Would be keen to know what is something non standard that had an outsized impact ?

Glad it's being turned off. Need to mininise inbound channels so small business have less places to track. 

The same way you calculate you cut for everything else? 

There are quite a few different types of CVT'S. There have been some very bad ones so they have a bad wrap. 

. But look at taxi/Uber drivers all driving Prius that use a cvt. 

Pulley-Based CVT: Uses variable-diameter pulleys connected by a steel belt to provide a continuous range of gear ratios.

Toroidal CVT: Utilizes discs and rollers instead of belts and pulleys for a seamless range of gear ratios.

Hydrostatic CVT: Uses a hydraulic pump and motor to vary the transmission ratio, commonly found in heavy machinery and some hybrids.

Planetary Gear CVT (eCVT): Combines a planetary gear set with electric motor generators, typically used in hybrid vehicles for improved fuel economy.

Extroid CVT: Employs power rollers between input and output discs, developed by Nissan for high torque capacity and smooth operation.

1/3 for staff costs.

1/3 for business costs.

1/3 for profit. 

All your pre sales time is not charged. Once the project starts then you are a billiable recource so your time should be charged according. 

You could check out Flynt? I like some of their ideas as well. 

As for the other part of your question. There is so many different ways of working. We basically work with existing clients or new builds now so we don't have to deal with a mixed bag of shit. 

Thanks for sharing. We have only ever used bedrock at work so it's hard for me to imagine not using it. 

Have you tried ecosystem , classic editor & ACF? 

I would check out Yahoo Japan and then use someone like purchase for you 

If it's for learning spend the time. It will help you get more practice. 

I do customer meetings and project breifs for 20% of my time at work. 

I try to spend 10 min of quality prep time for most before meetings making sure I go into it with an objective and an understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish. I also make sure I have technology set up and any documents pre loaded in tabs.

For existing clients that I'm on chargable time: 

If I'm presenting or running a meeting on client time ( they are paying for me to be in the meeting ) I'm targeting 30 min of prep and I'm always prepared with an agenda. And I make sure to start the meeting agreeing on the agenda.

Once the meeting is done I try and spend a little time post meeting writing notes and sending action points. 

Sometimes there could be 2-4hours of prep work if I have to present a documents to the client. This involves me creating the content and a designer making the presentation. 

For new clients: non billiable time.

I spend an amount of time based on the size of the job. Sometimes I'll spend 6-12 hours preparing these documents. Again the design will make my presentation look nice. 

Mostly it's deciding if spe ding the extra time is going to save time later on. It's better to spend more time planning and discussing early in the project so that there is a better understanding early.