Soft White Underbelly got completely demonetized. It’s a great channel that I think shouldn’t be censored. The wild part is that when you get demonetized YouTube will still play ads on your videos, they just won’t share that revenue with you.

When I got stopped by two Hispanic cops they were both named Rodriguez.

I’m from NY and my mom did not get this memo. I hated it when I was a kid.

Honestly, everything I’ve been hearing about Minnesota lately has been good. When I see news from other states it’s usually something negative, it’s the opposite with Minnesota.

They have wallets with RFID protection built in. I’ve been buying them from Nautica for years.

I lived with a guy for a while, who was a total deadbeat and had nothing going for himself, but he could cook. I don’t miss him, or even think about him often, but I do think about his steak from time to time.

Saw the same thing happen on my block for like 10 minutes. I also live near a hospital and I see ambulances stuck behind double parked cars a lot too. It gets really noisy, since I’m on a low floor, but I don’t even get annoyed at the emergency vehicles, I get annoyed at the double parkers.

Yea, restarting a sport is hard, but it’s so fulfilling when you do and that muscle memory randomly kicks in. I find that little success very satisfying.

For some reason the army called jumping jacks the “side straddle hop”. They had to have a special name for everything.

I just want to say that I enjoyed you using the word “ambulation”.

I feel bad for the people who work at the fast food spots but that station. Every time I went in one of them there was some homeless person begging, harassing customers, and yelling at the workers.

I new nail salon opened by me and they put sunscreen on the hands before using the UV light. I hope this catches on.

Where I live a lot of people go to the Dominican Republic and have the same experience you describe.

Where are you from that you eat Johnny cakes?! I’m from the Caribbean, and they’re very popular on my island, but I’ve never seen them anywhere else.

I’ve definitely had bad pizza. There’s a pizza shop that used to have a decent slice, but I think they changed the sauce one day because it became very bland. It had no flavor and I had to add salt, which barely helped. This was the only time I’ve ever had to salt a pizza. There was nothing to appreciate. The shop went out of business soon after this change.

I make my own butter sometimes but I’ve never tried making cultured butter. What would you say the difference is flavor wise?

I never thought of adding the leftover chicken to soup. I’ll try that when it gets colder in the fall. I wasn’t raised eating meat, so meat in general often has subtle flavors that I don’t enjoy. I’ve stopped eating at some places because their chicken has that old taste on day one.

I don’t know if you’re into growing your own veggies but there are Asian greens seed pellets. The ones I got have a couple different kinds of choys and mustards in one pellet. I harvest the greens before they’re fully mature and are still tender. They’re so good fresh and I like the mixture.

I get the taste from rotisserie chicken, but not after one day. I notice it on day 3-4 if I’m eating an entire rotisserie chicken on my own.

One time, in college, I was late to class because of a traffic jam. Got to a hill, where I could see traffic ahead of me, and saw that the jam was because someone with a donkey standing in the back of their pickup truck was driving very slowly. I thought the professor would never believe I was late because of a donkey. Surprisingly, when I explained my lateness it turned out the professor knew the donkey.