Jimmy John John Martin? 

I just want what I always get - the opportunity to shoot Hitler in his fucking ball. 

Does konosuba count in this criteria? It's played for laughs though like Kazuma is a Johnny Bravo sort of butt monkey. 

Are you sure that's not the flashbang title screen? 

I'm sure WWE has great stories going too. They're the ones making this a contest as if they have something to prove, not us. 

Miyazaki gets abyssal, cosmic horror in a way nobody else does. I'd love to see him collab with Kojima some time. 

I like how I realised that S-Shark toppling into the ground with a splash is from the intro, but from the original direction of the art. I love when stuff like that happens. 

The Greens have never been given a chance to policy-make yet, you need to be in charge for that. 

Most of my games consist of me just FUCKING UP fogmen. 

I was seeing them on my feed and I was like 'why did I subscribe to a bigoted meme sub?' and then I realised it's just another victim to the alt-right playbook. 

I theorise that democrats love republicans in power because they profit mightily from their terms. 

Some reason that Godfrey was 'banished' as part of a great scheme involving her plan to shatter the ring and eventually have a Tarnished (probably Godfrey, but it was you due to the outside influences of the other gods like Ranni and the Flame) come and defeat the weakened elden beast. 

My contract got closed with a tech company yesterday so they could instead hire more people in Singapore. The already racist Australia is going to love that. 

New debate idea: a yugioh battle and the loser is banished to the shadow realm

Bart is destined to grow up depressed. The world isn't built for him. There's nothing necessarily wrong with him, he just doesn't fit. 

Laws like this are just telling on themselves.

Isn't trans porn very popular in conservative US states? Methinks some doth protest too much. 

I only get hit by it after I fumble and my bigass grafted greatsword is settling back on my shoulder. 

I'm really looking forward to his inevitable post-mortem Behind the Bastards series. 

Do you think he could beat Soldier of Godrick? 

This is satire. Apple wouldn't let their chattel use such expensive tech. 

I haven't been bored at all watching the season, but I'll tell you this much - if Homie or Butch are on the screen I'm watching, and if anyone else is scene-centric I'm just listening to the dialogue while looking at my phone for the most part.