It’s worth double checking the script/testing it first as I’ve chat ChatGPT literally make variables up… I argued with it for some time but the variable it was talking about literally didnt exist but it wouldn’t take no for an answer. Since then I’m more wary of it.

Trevor sounds like he’s experienced this shit before.

Years ago I bought a DFI lab party mobo and it actually came with a strap/harness you could use to carry your PC. (I guess that was where the lanparty part came in..) I never used it as my Coolermaster Stacker was a fucking tank that weighed a ton and was watercooled via pond pumps, random rads and a dual bay res. Plus I had no pc gamer friends. But let’s stick to the PC weight issue as being the excuse..

Woah there satan, take it down a notch. /jk just in case…

There’s a massive chance of some or all of these being horseshit. I bet if you sat and watched it you’d see repeat donations from the same names for the same values. Well, unless they are just fucking idiots I suppose?!…

To me, greatness is someone hitting the very top of their field and making many other peoples lives better in some way. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Michael Buckley isn’t going to achieve greatness and that’s fine. Just stop posting bollocks on LinkedIn about a life you don’t even lead because no one cares other than us here at LinkedInLunatics and we care for the wrong reasons.

We’ve listened to your feedback and given incandescent and volt shot the same cooldowns as destabilising rounds. Youre welcome. Bungie probably.

And they don’t stop coming and the don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t

I’ve been trying hard recently but struggling… Still at 600/600, chars full etc. I guess part of my problem is that I don’t have a god roll of a weapon but will have x number of almosts that I can’t pick from.

Someone didn’t want you leaving.

I hate the IT snobbery that I’ve seen over the years from various IT staff. I.e. looking down on HR, sales, warehouse, etc as groups of people beneath them because they don’t know what the IT person does. I’m like ok dude, why don’t you go and hire/fire/deal with some sort of awful people situation, I’m sure you’ll be great at it! lol! Maybe in my case this is because I worked in retail, then a warehouse and then went into IT. We are all cogs in a big machine.

The certs and/or/vs experience is a funny thing. I’ve met people with loads of certs who appeared to know nothing and I’ve met people with no certs who have known loads. I’ve also met people with loads of experience who were also fairly limited… (I’m not saying I’m amazing or anything.) I guess it comes down to how much you test yourself and the job roles. IT is a pretty wide ranging field so it’s not surprising that people don’t know everything.

I went in one a few weeks ago was right next to a beach. It wasn’t a paid one but was pretty grim. The highlight was the completely destroyed shitty pants on the floor of a cubicle surrounded by numerous sloppy turds. I mean, you made it to the toilet/cubicle, what happened?! Naturally, My 8 year old son found the story hilarious. I just felt sorry for the poor sod that had to deal with that at some point…

The old ginger jazz leg.

I used to use the flash bang ghost but now I’ve swapped to Eva from Wall-e with the no light zone skull.

This reminds me of a user years ago. He actually used the deleted items folder in his email as a storage area. Had a file structure in there and everything… I remember saying to him that he was so lucky it still existed as there are tick boxes, prompts etc that could wipe it out in a second if he wasnt careful. Even then there was still some resistance to moving it up a level in the inbox to save it. Haha!

It’s ok, I know what you mean. Being able to at least narrow down to a weapon is something. However the menagerie and season of the hunt systems where you could narrow down weapon and perk pool was even nicer! Albeit I still did a lot of grinding for a decent deafening whisper.

Imagine a system where you could infuse the two and get the roll you want for a cost?!.. Or, to appease the gambling grinders “a chance” to get the perks when combining weapons. I still champion the division system where you could grab a perk from a gun and then use those obtained perks to switch one on another gun. Albeit only once..

You get the people that did this originally back in to do it. I’d also have to make sure they kept with purple cables as my ocd would get upset if they changed. Haha!

It took me too long to come round to this. Now it’s one big string of a password not used anywhere else that I can always remember and then every password is a saved jumbled mess that should be relatively impossible to guess.

My favourite was spending all my tokens to unlock the shaxx/onslaught gear and then realising I’d then have to actually use synthweave in each piece too… Honestly, they should’ve just unlocked as ornaments.

Built by a professional what?