They don't even have a handle on what is going on in their own country. Enjoy your complete demographic and economic collapse. Zai jian comrades!

France, one of the most progressive countries in the world and in the history of mankind... is racist as fuck? What is more likely, that the people of France have valid, reasonable concerns and criticisms of immigration, integration and vetting or that this historically liberal and progressive country is now suddenly "racists af". Consider that this kind of gaslighting is why the right continues to gain popularity.

Also I'd like you to provide me a list of countries "not racist as fuck" just so we are all clear.

May the government of the Republic of China be restored to its rightful seat of power.

The Islamic Republic agent Josep Borrell Fontelles is not going to let that happen.

Not sure what the point in that would be. When you are 90% or more done the job of destroying Hamas it makes little sense to leave them there to regenerate.

Unless they are dividing their forces recognizing the greatly diminished capabilities of Hamas but it makes no sense to fully withdraw from Gaza now.

These guys realize what happened to the last "Axis" right?

No its stupid to think you can't just bring in French/German/Italian whatever experts in for the technical parts. Or that after decades of Pahlavi rule they couldn't figure out that maybe they should have focused on training Iranians in the oil field.

The list of things the Pahlavis needed to do to bring Iran up to modern standards was long and in a relatively very short period of time they transformed the country from a feudal lawless back water into a fast developing nation state totally unrecognizable from what they inherited from the Qajar, verging on Meiji levels of accelerated technological progress. The idea that the Pahlavis "didn't do enough" is so laughable as to be dismissed out of hand, even their academic critics wouldn't make that claim.

And yes we've have heard all the hit pieces on the Shah and the reality is he was the Shah and before the British and Soviets invaded his father was Shah. If you want to cry about foreign interference and influence in Iran you should examine 1941, not 1953.

Mossadegh was on the verge of being thrown out at any rate, the CIA hardly had to convince people on the street and their influence or lack thereof wouldn't have made the difference.

This wasn't even a coup, Mossadegh was the coup, the Shah was the counter coup.

Planet of the Apes will have an ending in Iran. No one can say precisely when or how but this much is clear and palpable.

One thing this regime never seems to learn is that threats that are not followed through on have the opposite effect.

These maymoons think just because they bought themselves some support in the west temporarily among the most useless and most misguided progressives that they now have the upper hand globally but everything they build on is made of sand.

UK was making billions off Iranian oil and giving pennies back to Iran. Mossadagh tried to end that.

Who cares? Iran didn't have the expertise and required technical knowledge to run their oil production independently. It's stupid to even suggest that this was a possibility.

The only question was whose skirt Mossadegh would run and hide under and drag the country along with his new dictatorial powers and it was fairly obvious the USSR would be asked to step in and take over for BP and they would be giving Iran an even worse deal while freely proliferating leftist ideology even more than they were already doing in the country. An 1979-level disaster scenario that was temporarily adverted and bought Iran 25 more years.

The Shah as well as other sane Iranian politicians at the time recognized you cannot negotiate or divorce from the west from a position of weakness and dependency. This is very simple stuff to understand if you are not an irrational, emotional demagogue like Mossadegh who was in many ways prototypical of what we are seeing now in Trump.

Well it is an exonym, putting the roots of the word aside the reason Persia stuck was that is the term the Greeks adopted and that had been passed down throughout western civilization ever since.

They are the same thing essentially. Some people get hung up on Persian ethnicity/Fars region but the reality is 95% of the time when the word "Persian" is used it is used synonymously with "Iranian". Persia was the exonym or non-native name given to the country and it has stuck for a long time. The same way in Farsi we refer to Greece even today as Yunan (or Ionia) which is actually Turkey today but it doesn't matter what the origins were as that's the name that stuck. Germany is another example, we refer to them as Allemann which mainly refers to the Allemanni tribes which inhabited only one part of Germany.

Persia and Persian have a lot more historical cachet than Iranian and Iran, that is just the fact. In practical terms "Persian" is an umbrella term that other ethnicities in Iran would recognize as far as a foreigner is concerned as a sort of "good or close enough:", amongst themselves within Iran they would not refer to themselves as such but instead by their specific ethnicity, which may be Persian but in many cases not.

There is no shortage of raw materials needed for kotlets. That much we have in abundance.

I can only imagine the kinds of Iranians who you think are "better people". Zionist-obsessed Islamist barbarians.

Iranians are indeed in very bad shape because of this regime and they have been for some time. You will see how bad exactly when this regime collapses. It won't be pretty.

How far has worrying about optics gotten you?

Again, anyone who stumbles on the regime of Iran and is confused as to whether they are an bloodthirsty Islamic dictatorship is a moron who can't be relied on even if you "win them over".

They don't need "fuel" when their supporters will do any kind of depraved act on their behalf regardless.

The moment you are so cowed by your enemies that you worry more about how they will spin your defiance as opposed to thinking about how to destroy them then that is the moment when you are facing checkmate.

Mossadegh was a would-be dictator who trampled over the same constitution he relied on for legitimacy. He got what he deserved and most Iranians felt similarly at the time.

  1. Their real enemies are the people of Iran, first and foremost.

  2. Even if the people of Iran were not their true enemies they would be far too incompetent to stage any kind of direct response to Israel that wouldn't result in humiliation and destruction for Iran.

Any idiots who are confused as to who is right and who is wrong between the regime in Iran and young people getting beaten, raped and hanged for standing for freedom are not the kind of people whom you will win over or want to win over.

revenge fantasies 

It's not a revenge fantasy, is it the natural reaction and what is necessary for self-preservation. Iran had freedom of religion in 1978. What came of that?

If you think the downfall of this regime is not going to go hand in hand with the total debasement of Shi'ism in Iran then you are delusional. There is no going back to living alongside 7th century barbarians.

The mullahs in Iran have repeatedly shown over the last 9 months that they do not have the balls for that. That's why they attack Israel through proxies to begin with.