So you're a girl, playing as a guy, but you don't like men and you really liked the 3rd fleet master (very understandably), so you drew them together in an amazingly cute relationship, without ever experiencing any of this yourself?

Man, you're a whole character all by yourself ;D

Wait, really? That's even more interesting

I was convinced it was a self insert, because of how cozy it felt.... or is it one anyway? Are you sorta, kinda one of the characters in your head? If so, which? Or are you separated as an author and they are both OC and it's their relationship?

This is all extremely cute. Two i like most (can't pick) are the ones where she's watching him sleep and eat, but that may be because i used to do that myself.

You're very talented, but what i really like is the.. message? Vibe? Like, this is already a better fictional relationship than some tv shows, lmao

Closer in what sense?

Nothing is close to sharks because they existed before fucking trees did. They are an apex predator that survived against all odds for a mind boggling time.

I mean, duh. So what? Of course there's going to be outliers, this proves nothing

Are we going to say we're all just bacteria and there's no species next, because we all came from primordial soup? What is this?

The people who care about being professional the most are those who are insecure about their competency and they're trying to make up for that with it. This is precisely why the most competent people are the least professional, they don't care, they don't have to.

This is the image where there's a room full of suits and one guy in a dune t-shirt and sweatpants and that dude is the only one truly irreplaceable at the company, the one doing the real work.

Just in case: i'm not saying that people shouldn't act professional. Obviously

OnlyFans was originally envisioned as an educational platform or something like youtube, just focused on paid subscriptions and higher quality content, so in an alternate reality, this could've been actually true.

Easy. We gained control of fire.

Every animals fears it, we are the first one cocky enough to play with it. What happens when you play with fire? Exactly. Is it so crazy to think that one of them wanted to see what would happen further and put some meat from their kill in the fire? Then they discovered how soft cooked meat is (ever tried chewing raw steak?). We don't have the jaws for it, they were better back then but still nothing in comparison to a wolf or any big predator, so that was very appealing.

You ever walk in a forest at night and hear something weird? What did you do then? Exactly, you froze. It makes sense in nature, if a dangerous new predator pops up suddenly you stop breathing and hope he doesn't notice you.

Why do people keep expecting deer to understand that we unearthed material stronger than stone, built a box on wheels out of it and are fuelling it with whatever's of the first trees that fell before anything could eat/decompose them.

Yes, really.

I just detest this sort of behavior. People acting like this and making a deal out of it is why women are still so shy about it. Same with making stupid jokes whenever people with different genders are being friendly. You're not funny, this is thinly veiled childish jealousy. These jokes are precisely why you have reasons to be jealous. Don't make it a thing and it won't be one. Treat women like people and (at least some of them) will treat you like a person as well.

Is the meme wrong 100% of the time? No. Will some girl see this and think twice about joining a male dominated group of friends? That is a 100%, in my opinion. So, just stop.

This anime doesn't thread the thin line between serious and light. This show took that line and is using it as a skipping rope ;D

Honestly, i wish women were messier.. or maybe rather than the messy ones weren't so ashamed of it.

I'm convinced quite a lot of men would prefer a girl that's a bit messier than they are, rather than one that will start a fight over a few dirty plates. Women sometimes get too caught up in being one, they put too much of their gender into their identity, doing stuff just because she's a girl and she's been told that's what girls do. Everyone should stop worrying about their gender, worry about being a good person and the rest will naturally follow.

I don't need 100%, 90+ is more than enough.

Also, aren't soulmates so romanticized and sought after precisely because that's when your alignment with someone hits critical mass? You don't need language then, because you're on the same frequency. Every truly close couple has their own jokes and even a sort of language that nobody else gets. When people are really close they can communicate deeply with barely anything, a specific eyebrow movement.

It's getting there that's the tricky part. It's almost like winning a lottery to even meet someone with whom you can do that and that's just the start. Think about just how many starts have to actually align, how many factors have to be just right, how many things can go wrong

...and that doesn't even cover anything outside you two. I'm rather sure that a solid % of the lucky pairs that found each other are broken up by other people because of jealousy, convenience, manipulation etc.

This is why. It's not impossible, it's just bloody difficult and we, ourselves and each other, are the reason.

This remind me of that one short period in iceborne when you get another handler. I've been thinking about this lately, with the old handler discussions, the new one, now this. I liked that other handler more and this may be a damn gold mine, capcom should capitalize on this. Give us a few handlers to choose from, the old one seems to have as many anti fans as fans, which i think fits now, i this context.

I feel like a woman wrote this. Oh god, i wish it was that simple

I disagree. Maybe it's different depending where you are, but there very few people who are naturally like this, if any. People are taught this passively, by reactions of people they express themselves to. I had one person i could actually open up to and she decided she wasn't good enough for me

All you have to do to knock these dummies into the ground is tell them that in many animals it's males that have the repeated chromosome and females that have the modifying one

Okay, so say you're disciplined and yet your kid dies in an accident. Your spouse leaves you. The world war III breaks out. What about animal abuse? Human abuse? There's obviously more than two kinds.

No, you do not have "the power". You have A power. Your power. Just like everyone else, all 8 billion of them. Stuff has been happening long before you showed up and will keep going after you're gone. It is not all up to you and it's pure hubris to think it is... but that's also good, since it's not, stop worrying so much, you'll only give yourself ulcers.

I'm so tired of this fake dichotomy, i get it, you're trying to motivate yourself and do good. Very commendable. Trying to paint over reality instead of observing it isn't though. Telling yourself these stories is lying to yourself, it's bad for you, your brain and it's annoying for people around you.

You wanted two kinds, hah, i'll give them to you. There are two kinds of gym bros. You get to choose which one ;D


I thought this maybe might be the case when i was younger, having actually experienced it though, i simply know that's not true. It's like the saying, if you loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

Anyone who says this, has not yet actually fallen in love yet. When it happens, there is no mistaking it, no doubt, sometimes even your free will is limited, in a similar sense how an offer of a billion dollars limits it. People who don't even respect the other gender the same as their own or are closer with any of their friends than their damn spouse of 5+ years will try and teach you what love is.

Don't get bamboozled.

Basically, everyone thinks they can't turn it off, until there's no other option left

No, you're not with her, what are you saying?

She explicitly says there's no way, in her opinion. You just said you think it's possible and seem actually pretty open to the idea. That's complete opposite

Exactly, i never understood how is that even up for debate

..then i realized, it's not. We're just not talking about the same thing.