A hundred wrongs dont make a right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am not sure what game you played but after Act 1 reactivity, unique dialogue and companion banter just gets worse and worse, but whatever, its a fantasy game after all :)

Yeah discussing the game on the games subreddit is so weird

There is a massive drop off in quality after Act 1, cope about it

All NPCs have bloated stats which fucking sucks for gameplay.

Well enjoy it because its not gonna last past Act 1

Yes, you said its ok to eat children from other races because humans eat eggs (lmao?) so Ethel is not evil for eating a human child since she is a fey. And then you get called out on it and immediately run behind the meaningless "its just fantasy" argument because it would hurt your ego too much to just admit you were wrong. 

Maybe you should see a psychiatrist 🤷‍♂️

Then why are you trying to make some creepy ethic argument about how eating children isnt evil?

"Evil is when I do exactly the same things I do in a good playthrough but I pretend I am evil about it in my head"

Burning people alive for 1d4 fire damage is pretty fucking evil.

Rogues should have flourishes and the ability to throw anything with a bonus action, that would make them a top tier class but as its stands they are completely pointless besides the 3 lvl dip for the extra bonus action lol

She didnt even need that technicality considering Karlach is willing to burn peoples (including childrens) souls for a minor power up and gets angry at the player for refusing it to her.

She also encourages children to grow up to be criminals and gets angry at the player for calling her out on it lol 

Because Swen is a businessman first and a gamedev second. Which is.... fine, its how he kept Larian afloat for 2 decades but the development for this game was really scummy in parts imo and then they just fucking abandon it not even a year later. "Thanks for the money, suckers"

Also Tencent owns 30% of the company jfyi, Larian hasnt been a small indie outsider for years now

No woman who gives out BJs on your first date can be a misandrist 

Karlach after raiding the Grove: Tries to kill you, her life and soul damned

Karlach after dooming the same tieflings and a battalion of Harpers lead by her childhood hero to die of a Sharran curse and turning into a murder monster the next morning: Whats is wrong with you? Anyway, copper for your thoughts?

Ok that Bhaalist Durge design fucking slaps

Its because people let this EA shit pass even though its a scummy business practise.

There was far less effort/money (although at parts there is still love) put into Act 2 and 3 because Larian sold the game on Act 1 with empty promises for the full release. For example act 1 strongly suggests the Goblins are reoccurring characters for the evil playthrough by giving them fun personalities and great voice acting, and then they just... disappear. I mean who cares? People already bought game lol fuck it Then when it turned out Act 2 and 3 were a letdown everybody let it pass because of the hype.

I love the game but its unfinished and definetly one of those "what could have been" releases, oh well. At least they raised the level cap to 12. 

Guess people will be really mad now for implying the game isnt the best thing since canned bread. 

The Dark Urge works really well as a cute girl.

Like yeah, Orin is pretty hot and crazy, but did you know she has a hotter, crazier half-sister/aunt/grand-aunt? 

Vampires are always turned into an evil aligned alignment by their transformation, its forgotten realms/dnd lore. Fulfilling a pact with a devil hardly helps the matter too