The NBA doesn’t get better though, those reports get published but absolutely nothing happens to officials that repeatedly make mistakes outside of not being selected to officiate play off games.

I can’t believe Ronaldo was able to do his the way he did today.

Can’t believe some of them here either.

Stutter stop penalties have to go

This is peak Conmebol, not saying it’s good but it’s the most Conmebol thing i’ve seen.

Florian Wirtz just saved this Havertz disaster class, this is Arsenals new hero

Ah but why is it different for a woman of Muslim faith to let that influence her decisions compared to someoen of Christian faith?

I’m all for politics to not be governed by religion but lets call out some hypocrisy where we can when it’s a legitimate gripe.

They’ve let dudes wear it in the G but it’s been soft retired in the actual league since he was traded

DeMars jerseys is hanging in those rafters at one point, he helped get us out of the mud when we were a bad franchise for a very long time post vince trade.

Drake tries to go back in after this he’s a certified dickhead

There is nothing dead beat or like a gotcha about that whole thing if the situation was facts.

Congratulations Kendrck, you’re a loving father to a child that isn’t your own & can look past your partner’s indiscretions.

You’re being goofy

Sister is a desk jocket who got posted to Darwin for her initial posting.

Hates the job but she’s good at it & has a pretty flexible (within reason) boss but yeah, she’s potentially going on course a little bit after her baby is born in September.

It happens & people think it’s cushy but it takes its toll.

Kawhi if he’s healthy is getting massively disrespected here lol

Then have assets that actually are valuable? Idk how many times we’ve seen the Heat get 3 good years out of some scrape heap role player, get a move to another team then become absolutely useless.

People have clocked onto what the heat do & they simply do not value what is being produced.

It’s kind of like how i feel about game of thrones & the white walkers.

The entire game is building up to you making the ultimate sacrifice (or killing the white walkers) but at the last moment someone else takes the glory.

I will always be angry about Jon Snow not ending the night king when Arya does.

We’re absolutely getting worse as socio economic gaps widen but there is a crowd that will attempt to sell you a narrative saying we aren’t.

This is a global thing too.

I’m Australian, i’m proud of my family & where we came from but i’m not proud of the way this country is being run & how emboldened bigots feel.

I know it was a chip on the shoulder seasons for us that eventually led to a 2nd round exit but before the covid shutdown i was enjoying the Raptors 19-20 season more than the chip.

Minimal drama, guys played hard next man up all season & competitive as hell.

From all reports we apparently view him as a midfielder

Our young guys loved having GT around last year, glad to see they’re reupping him.

He didn’t look terrible when he saw minutes in a bind either so it’s a good pick up where we’d otherwise have a empty roster spot.

Very shrewd business being done in the championship after not really operating in the space for years, multiple people saying we should take a look there.

Those very same people crying about the price after watching fuck all Archie Gray.

Man these people really just love being angry

Fwiw i partly got out of hospitality because of the burn out & having to be “on” all the time.

I agree personally with what you guys are saying but i also understand how different the hospitality industry has become since lockdowns.

Massive attitude shift.