This is a decent comparison of zinc, steel, and brass, and there a lot of other trem block comparison videos. It may not be a life changing difference, but it's a readily apparent difference:

TBH I'm not sure how much the trem block changes the amplified sound, as I didn't do a before and after recording. It definitely changes the acoustic resonance and attack characteristics, but haven't heard a definitive before and after of what comes through the pickups. If I was a real glutton for punishment I could disassemble the bridge again, put the aluminum block back in, then disassemble it again and put the brass block back, and record each one.

That doesn't negate the effect of the trem block, it just stops the trem from moving. The change in frequency response remains the same.

You might want to try the brass tremolo block Strandberg offers.

Obligatory “have you tried raising the pickup” comment. Bass increases the closer to the string.

My parents came home with friends one evening in 1971, and played The Yes Album. I laid in bed and listened to the whole thing, and proceeded to listen to that album every day for a year.

I will say I really wish they’d use a switch with actual tabs/lugs with holes, rather than those surface pads, precisely for this reason.

I don’t mind it on the mini because it basically just volumes and preset, but with the controls on the 40 that is a headache. I have a Rivera Quiana that’s a great amp, but I always wished I could actually see the controls.

You’ll have to consult the wiring diagrams linked above, what pad that wire connects to depends on the model.

Oh for lord's sake, I've been buying used gear for over four decades, and worked in a music store in the mid-70s, I know what the used market looked like before online sales lead to massively inflated prices. There are used guitars selling for equal to or greater the new price all over Reverb.

Half price for two year old gear was the standard for decades. Not sure why people think used gear should sell for 10% off street, after two weeks, let alone two years.

I find it absolutely hilarious that people seem to think used instruments should sell for essentially the same price as new. In saner times “used” was an automatic 30% less than new, but now I see used instruments selling for more than what you can find them for new.

Just watched the HBO doc on Stax records that has Booker T at the piano talking about how he came up with Green Onions. 18 year old kid from 1960s Memphis, and he used music theory to come up with one of the most famous riffs ever. Being a musical prodigy didn’t hurt, but neither does music theory.

Google treatments for black eye first.

Dibs on Caveman Ghost sitcom premise.

The fact that no one even mentions Hi-Z mode leads me to believe that a lot of people aren’t aware of the setting.

Have you tried Hi-Z mode? I was getting crackling with humbuckers, switched on Hi-Z mode, and crackling gone.

I was less prone to doing this with physical pedals because dual-lock is a bitch, but modelers I drag stuff to different spots in the signal chain all the time. I used to run chorus before distortion a lot.

Curious if you’ve ever had a floating trem guitar that didn’t do this, because every one I’ve ever played does the same thing.

I use an iPhone and have never had an issue connecting. It will occasionally start up in the wrong default preset, but I just click the preset knob back and forth a notch. It’s quite possible it’s not the Spark at all, but the device you’re trying to connect, or Bluetooth interference from other sources. I realize it’s frustrating, but without knowing what the connection issue is, it can’t be laid entirely on the Spark.

My DIY Jack Orman MOSFET boost! Look for a good single transistor MOSFET clean (no clipping diodes) boost with high input impedance.