
[[Skullbriar]] likes to ramp with mana dorks on turn 1.

  1. Gives you an extra body to sacrifice when someone pulls a grave pact effect on you.

  2. Start your second turn with 3 mana, so you can cast your commander and one pump spell or interaction.

  3. Chump blocker or sword-holder in a pinch.

Started at 2 and he really started getting consistent about it around 3.5. You can’t really expect a kid to do it right every single time even up until Age 6.

If your kid ever gets any amount of pee in the potty, that’s a win. Even if they start having an accident, try to stop them and get them to potty, even a single drop is a win. Even if you have to bribe them with treats and toys and screen time, let them know what you need them to do.

Part of the potty training is training for you too. Try to read your kid’s tells, so you can remind them to go when they need to. When they drink a juice, they’re gonna need to pee half an hour later.

No, you're thinking of a gift you bring back with you when you come home from holiday.

I'm pretty sure his name was Palantir.


It's a pretty high-power list. If you're winning 45% of your games, you must be doing something right. No [[Survival of the Fittest]]?

How has it been holding up against graveyard hate? Kathril can work well in online lobbies thanks to the element of surprise, but everyone I know who has built this deck to play long-term with friends has run into metagame problems.


Wait does this make it an actually good weapon for a VATS automatic build? How does it compare to other automatics?

ANSWERED: No. It spawns with random weapon mods that cannot be changed, and even if you get a good roll it has a terrible spin-up time before it can shoot, and even if you only use it in VATS it’s still famously inaccurate.

However, despite being a mediocre weapon it also happens to be Hella Radical, and it is strongly advised to try it at least once.


The trick is to have two Forever Decks.

I built Abzan Pod with [[Karador]] at the helm after my all-time favorite Modern deck got banned out. It works for me because it's fun, flexible, and resilient, and the Wizards are always printing new toys for it in every set.

My other one is the flip side of that, Izzet Spellslinger. I've been building it since forever and I still can't fucking figure it out.

Wasn’t there a recent quantum physics experiment which proved that properties of universe aren’t necessarily real until the moment you actually measure them?

Until some evidence of the tree’s fall is recorded by an observer, it’s impossible to know whether or not it fell in some way that might have made sound or not.

“Strongest individual in Fallout” vs Mama Murphy

Sadly, there is no practical application to numbers bigger than infinity, except that they help us hone logical thinking.

Philosophically, idea that there are infinities greater even than “infinity” shows us that there are always more ideas out there beyond our own current understanding.

This rule and the one about shortcuts are my favorites. Everyone agrees that shortcuts are allowed and they just work, I think it’s only fair that takesies-backsies gets the same treatment.


Take out all your hexproof, indestructible, and reanimation contingency spells. That will let you know which cards are really working for you and which aren’t, and you can start cutting from there.

Once you’ve cut down quite a bit, add one protection spell back at a time, but also include a removal spell too. And not just creature removal, you need to be able to hit artifacts and enchantments too. You’ll find it’s just as important to clear the hate cards from the field as it is to keep Skullbriar protected.

I like to think of HH songs as extra skill slots for comfy abilities.


Streamline your tokens, it helps with math and managing board state. You can also run better anthems if all your tokens are the same creature type or color.

Mana dorks over artifact mana. They're a little faster and they up your creature count.

Stay away from Craterhoof for now. Jetmir is easy to "go overboard" in a more casual environment because of how explosive he is, and if you're concerned about power level then it's probably not a good idea to crank it to 11 so fast.

Context in this scene is that Gondor does need a king, and Gondor does have a king, and that guy is sitting right there in the room.

Master Chief’s realest face is his helmet.


[[Killian, Ink Duelist]] can use all those auras.

His ability also works when you target opponents’ creatures, which opens up more interactive and responsive lines of play.

Wait so the show takes place right after FNV, at which time bombs fell on the NCR capital?

Im a little unclear about the exact location of “The Divide”, but the game describes it as being like northwest of Vegas, basically on the California-Nevada border…. Which is basically right where Shady Sands was founded.

Is the Fall of Shady Sands supposed to be Courier Six launching the nukes at NCR at the end of Lonesome Road?

New headcanon: Someone in the Fallout universe pulled the paper clip trading stunt, but they started with a bottlecap instead.


[[whispersilk Cloak]] is an all-star for budget Skullbriar.

I also like to include other “must-remove” threats like [[primordial hydra]] and [[questing beast]] to keep people busy.

And don’t forget your mana dorks! Ramp on turn 1 gives you Skullbriar plus interaction on turn 2, which is crucial in a group with a lot of responses. Also helps against edict effects and chump blocking.

After that it kind of depends on your meta, how your group responds to Skullbriar. If you keep getting removed, you need more ramp and protection. If you’re getting hit with stax effects that impede your combat step, you need more targeted removal. If there’s a go-wide deck beating your face in, run some fog effects of your own.

At some point someone is going to start running specific Skullbriar hate, like big -1/-1 counters or bribery counters, so you’ll need ways to remove those too. Jarad can put in work here with his mega-drain, and you can also use [[varolz]] to Scavenge a dead Skully and double dip on those counters even more.

So-called “Dark” Magic is just a wastebasket taxon for spells that lesser minds fail to comprehend. Your god’s Favor is considered dark magic by those that don’t believe. Theory used to be considered a form of dark arts until they figured out how to make money teaching it.

Gonna need a little bit more detail than that, buddy.

Take some time to really think about it and I’m sure you can figure it out.

I mean the easy response would be that Demons aren’t souls or don’t have souls.

You already said that Demons don’t have physical bodies or mortal lifespans, two of the defining characteristics of souls as we know them, so you should probably go into more detail about what exactly a “soul” means in your world.

What good is a sword that cuts anything against a demon that has no physical form?

What good is a perfect killer against a demon with no mortal body?

What good is illusion immunity to a weapon with no consciousness? It can’t think for itself, you could fool it with a basic trick.

Slayer Z seems like they would be powerful in a fight against a demon’s host, but completely ineffective against the demon itself.

I just go ahead and block any user that posts AI content outside of their designated sub. It’s no different from any other rage bait, and any form engagement will just result in more AI content being posted.

Even calling out AI pics will only help train the image generators to make more convincing pictures and fake replies.