Truly awful, it was my first long term relationship too, so I had no idea what was considered normal or not

I salute that person. They are wiser and stronger than I was, hope his dickcheese got burned off by the acidity of the puke

I think my nose is chronically blocked. That probably saved me from the worst of it

Good for you, I pray neither of us has to be in the vicinity of a person like that again

Can't blame you. I almost threw up when I figured out that this shit ain't a regular thing that every man experiences

Yea no it was there almost every single time :(

Mental illness and the ib learner's profile

It was a disgusting realization, and I could not keep it to myself, I am sorry

God, that would be funny, but thankfully, I have no clue where he lives anymore

TIFU by thinking dickcheese was normalnsfwS

Obligatory, did not happen today, I rather found out about it over the course of a few months.

When me and my ex were still dating, I used to always gag at the taste and scent of his penis. It always had a rim of white cheese like substance under the foreskin.

During these past few weeks, me, my friend and my boyfriend got to talking about what we are happy with in our current relationships, and I said how I really liked how the taste of his penis in my mouth didn't make me want to puke my brains out.

This spiraled into a conversation about hygiene and I found out that dickcheese is not a normal part of the male anatomy. I was frankly horrified at the thought of having had bacterial build up in my mouth and in my genitals. I also finally figured out that a bacterial infection I developed during me and my ex's relationship was due to him not washing his penis enough.

I am genuinely thankful for my friend and my current boyfriend for letting me know that this was not normal. Otherwise I might still be thinking it was normal.

TLDR: I found out that dickcheese is not a normal part of male anatomy and I had been having a dirty, unwashed dick in my mouth.


Esimene töö moodi töö oli 13 aastaselt mingid malevas, meie töö oli lasteaiakasvatajatele abiks olla, lapsi kantseldada ja muid pisitöid teha. Siis järgmised 3 suve tiksusin ühes bürootarvete poes. 16 hakkasin kord nädalas lasteaia/algkoolilastele huviringe andma. Nüüd olen 18 ja aastaringselt annan huviringe edasi, suvel töötan maal tänavatoiduputkas.

I can do Estonian if you don't have someone from here yet! It is such a cute idea!!!

Thank you, I will try to stay there for a few days and if things get better after that I will definitely consider staying there permanently

My mom told me to move out

Me (18f) and my mom had a fight and she told me that by the end of today she wants my keys on the table and me gone. My parents are divorced so I can stay with my dad. I know she doesn't mean it, but I am mentally exhausted of being used as a private tutor for my brother (13m) and her psychologist. I am definitely going to stay at my dad's tonight. My question is should I go through with moving out or should I come back home tomorrow? Thank you all in advance.

Infinity times 2 ends with an even numberProofs

Proof is left as an exercise to the reader

Where to improve?Advice

Hey guys, my exams are in may 2025 and I just added up my grades. If these were my final exam grades, I'd get a 36/42 (minus tok and ee) Math AA HL 5 Bio HL 6 Chem HL 7 Russian B SL 6 History SL 6 Estonian SL 6 I am aiming for at least 40 (including tok and ee). Where could I improve with as little effort as possible. 💀 I know it's a bit early to worry about the exams, but better start early right? Thank you in advance


Ma (18) olen üpris optimistlik inimene ja ma tahaks loota, et tulevik on helge? Aga samas vaadates toidu hindasi ja kuuldes pidevalt sõjast, olen praegu suht segaduses omadega, ei teagi, kas oodata hekget tulevikku või minna maale punkrit kaevana