You have a lot of time on your hands. You said something dumb and now you’re trying to play it off. Smooth.

Why do people so confidently say things they know nothing about? Maybe at least google it first…

I think some people don’t get their kids a social security number until they are older. Uncommon but I’ve heard of it happening…

I agree the gap is ridiculous but considering how wealthy our country is and the fact that we have some of the most successful and popular companies in the world, this really isn’t surprising.

You think one day is a long time? I guess it is if you’re chronically online and don’t have a real life. 😮

This is just part of life and living in close quarters. Get some ear plugs

Wow talk about delusions of grandeur. Nothing in this chat is “making the world a better place.” And obviously I’m someone that challenges mainstream beliefs and thinks about my principles or I wouldn’t be an anarchist. It’s not exactly something you just stumble upon.

Anyways I’m on vacation and over this. Bye!

Are you from the 1920s? Is your only way of communicating calling people bricks? 😂

Okay old timer. Get off your high horse. This is clearly more about you trying to act superior than actually have a conversation and communicate.

We all know you aren’t here to try and convince anyone of anything. You just enjoy making poorly formed arguments to strangers online instead of doing your job.

Breaks*. Maybe you should be school though!

Good job on the whole changing hearts and minds thing… I highly doubt calling people’s beliefs “dumb” is going to do the trick. Might want to regroup.

Wait you think people on this sub worship Fox News? Wooooow you have no idea where you are.

I already said I don’t pay $300 and there are other important factors that go into choosing your care than just the monetary cost. I assumed you were a teenager because you are backsliding on points we already addressed and ignoring other obvious ones. And you’re spending a lot of time online for someone that has a toddler.

I suggest ironing your pants at a minimum.

The moment you realize you are arguing with a teenager.