The group of men complaining that “women only want six foot chads with big dicks” are only ever interested in supermodel type women. They look at women exactly the same way they complain women look at men.

The truth is, every person is different, and looking for different things in a partner. There are plenty of women who don’t care if a guy is 6 feet tall or not, and MOST women care so so much less about penis size than men do. I’m sure there are “size queens” out there who really love big dicks, but they’re mostly gay men. 90-95% of women will not give a single shit about penis size as long as your hand and mouth game is good, and you care more about getting her off than about your own ego. If it hurts your penis feelings if she wants to use a vibrator or a toy, that’s a small man problem, not a small dick problem.

Everyone’s hair is different. Trying to make your curls look like someone else’s only leads to madness.

THIS IS IT!! My tip was going to be “learn to embrace your frizz.” It’s just part of curly hair. No one notices it but you.

Get a laundry basket with a lid, then stop doing her laundry. Pick up her dirty clothes (if you must) and put them in the closed hamper. She can then wash, fold and put them away. If she won’t fold and put them away, get a second hamper with a lid to put her clean clothes in.

Punishing you for … [checks notes] … doing her chores for her is utterly absurd and unacceptable. She a grownup for fucks’ sake. Find a solution that allows you to not have to look at her dirty clothes without also having to be responsible for them.

Wait, for real?! I watched the whole thing during the pandemic and was so sad they were robbed of a proper reunion finale because of covid. I’d love it if they got another chance to do it right.

Heroes. Season one is great. There are no more seasons after it.

Yes, people are being dramatic about the ending. The final few seasons do feel a bit rushed, but I liked the ending.


Oh yeah, the whole show is brilliant. I just feel like those two seasons are the most thematically cohesive and well planned out.

What you were doing is a great example of more subtle virtue signaling. The things you did to “help” weren’t needed or wanted, but they made you look and feel like a good person. If you actually cared about actually helping him you would have asked him if/how you could help. But you didn’t, because feeling like a good person is more important to you than actually being a good person. So yeah, YTA.

Yeah this is what I was going to say. If they clean up the edges, these could work. Even just a sharper cutting method would be a big improvement.

Definitely Mark. He left before he could reveal his weird side.

Gotta be Mark Brendanawicz. Everybody else eventually reveals their little weirdnesses, but he left while he was still normal.

This is my favorite drunk Amy. The way she delivers that line is absolute perfection.

I’m asking OP if cowashing makes their hair limp and lose curl the same way washing too often does. Cowashing doesn’t work for me either, but washing my hair daily does, so what works my hair is not likely to work for OP.

Season 4 of Bojack Horseman. The season deals with generational trauma, bookended with flashback episodes about the main character’s mother (the second and second to last episodes) while the main story is about him trying to connect with someone he believes to be his daughter. The whole season plays almost like a time loop with the same mistakes and traumas being repeated generationally, while at the same time, constantly enforcing the feeling of time moving forward as an unstoppable force.

Season 5 is also excellent. The main character is filming a season of a show, playing a character who’s slowly descending into madness, while he himself, over the course of the season, is descending into addiction in a way that feels like madness.

The best thing about the rift is that breeding is instantaneous. No matter the dragon, there’s no breeding or incubation time. This means that theoretically, you get WAY more chances to breed rare and limited dragons because your breeding cave doesn’t get tied up for 10, 20, 48 hours at a time, preventing any additional attempts in the meantime. The catch is that breeding costs etherium, and each breed gets more expensive as you go. (One for free, one for 100, 2 each at 220, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 5k, 10k, 15k, 4 each at 20k & 40k, then it tops out at 60k as far as I know. I think I did like 5 60k breeds one time, so it may go up again eventually, but I haven’t tried.)

In my opinion, the best use of the rift is to build it up as quickly as possible, by buying habitats, upgrading them, and filling them with high level epics until you start earning enough etherium to support a lot of daily breeding. It takes some time and effort, but it’s worth it. I buy maybe one or two limited event dragons per year because I’m able to breed all the rest in the rift before they expire.

A lot of people also really love the EOM you can buy in the rift. In my opinion, they’re a waste of etherium, but I’ve been playing a long time and usually only need a handful of dragons at any given time, so my chances of getting a dragon I want from an EOM is almost negligible.

Yeah I can do that with the left image, but not with the right for some reason. It just never sinks.