I agree that "Nosferatu" and "Dracula" are pretty much separate stories at this point.

The basic setup is still the same, but Nosferatu starts deviating from the novel once Orlok goes to England (or Germany in his case).

In Coppola's movie, Dracula's eyes were in the sky on 2 seaprate occasions, and his shadow did a lot of weird stuff but not on that scale.

Nope. It's another remake of Nosferatu (1922 and 1979), which were originally based off the Dracula novel.

It's probably just the trailer, let's be real. It's not released by A24 this time.

I wouldn't base this off the novel, tbh.

Eggers most likely altered the story (further than it was with Nosferatu '79), and honestly it's a good idea.

It's "literally" not though.

The plot is a bit more streamlined and the latter half is fundamentally different. (watch the '79 version btw it's great).

I consider it a different story from "Dracula". And with that in mind I wouldn't be surprised if Eggers changed the plot further to be more original.

And it's a giant downgrade.

No more 4K and now it has ads.

Karl Jobst has a series on youtube about this.


It absolutely is a giant fraud.

I'm sure it is, but I don't think it's the ideal choice for a "first reveal".

Gotta be honest, not the most flattering shot of him. He looks like a tired dad dressing up for his son's birthday party.

Batman immediately turning himself to the police and/or retiring after breaking his no-kill rule is 100 times less interesting than him breaking his rule and then CONTINUING to be Batman.

Definitely not lol. That was a sequel bait and a half.

As always, huge companies only think in the short term, because their board members will be retired with their money by the time shit actaully hits the fan and people won’t be able to afford jack shit in the current way capitalism works.

If goverments aren’t already, at the very least, thinking of a way of implementing UBI, then we’re fucked.

Oops, you're right, it would be just "Ye", no "L". Mixed up with the italian "mitraglietta"


If you were to nitpick it, I think you'd say "Meh-tra-yeh-tah"

EDIT: Corrected my nitpick

Maica-mea care tocmai o scapat de cancer tot vede prostiile astea cu “biorezonanta” si ma pune sa caut unde este cel mai apropiat cabinet si tot ii zic ca nu gasesc nimic.

Bine ca acum am motiv calumea sa-i dau sa nu mai creada in prostiile astea.

Eu am trecut cu ochelarii cu rama de metal pe fata (efectiv am uitat de ei) si nu a sunat nimic, nici nu mi s-a zis ceva.

The sadder part was how Kurenai's character died right after.

Leigh Whannell is directing a Wolfman movie with Ryan Gosling Christopher Abbott I'm pretty sure. It's supposed to come out this year.

Honestly if they change it, they could just make her keep her black leotard on and the lighting cat form would work the same.

Debatably it's even hotter lmao