:Poland: Bully with victim complex

Depends on the colour.

:Poland: Bully with victim complex

They are the same race as we are. How is it racist?

Eh, it's good to be me. I can call everyone a fucking nazi or a fucking communist and yell I'm the victim the whole day.

Bist Du mit irgendeiner Frau befreundet oder kennst eine, die Dein Problem ernst nimmt? Dann frage sie was damit nicht stimmt.

:Poland: Bully with victim complex

Do those people realise that this murderer and his buddies are not left? They are as right wing as it gets, just call their god different.

Bei mir sind es Bäume, Gräser und Schimmel(auch schimmelnde Blätter), ich habe es das ganze Jahr über. Nicht schimm, aber nervig.

Ich war da Mal im Urlaub und hab schlagartig verstanden weswegen früher Reiche Leute mit Asthma dorthin fuhren um ihre Gesundheit zu reparieren. Es ist unglaublich: trockene Luft ohne Pollen.

Może mają dość swoich rodzin i postanowiły zerwać z nimi kontakt?

To, ze te rodziny ich szukają nie znaczy, że nie są bandą narcystycznych psycholi.

Level 7

Wüste und das ist nur teilweise scherzhaft gemeint. Ich konnte noch nie so gut atmen, wie in Luxor. Luft wie aus einem Haartrockner und keine Pollen.

Ja, das wird wohl genauso sein.

To czy pierogi to przystawka, danie główne czy deser zależy od tego ile ich jest.

Women should start to move elsewhere. There is no other way to stop this madness beside the perspective men can only have sex with their hand or a single male neighbour.

True, but this was the only positive thing in this whole mess: they are not two teens without any education.

You can be feminine, but You probably should not try to be "cute" or girly. I suppose this is what doesn't suit You. Probably a more minimalistic approach would be better for the start.

Maybe You could start incorporating more feminine elements into Your wardrobe, like a nice skirt or wide, flowy colorful trousers?

Women's clothes tend to change the silhouette. Go shopping and look what looks good on You. If You feel weird in something, don't buy it.

I love fashion, but I look incredibly unflattering in certain things, so I assure You it's not You, it's the wrong clothes. There is something for everyone, You just need to find it.

Przypuszczam, ze szkołę niedługo skończysz albo już skończyłeś.

Co Twoja mama ma zamiar zrobić jak się wyprowadzisz na studia albo z powodu pracy? Będzie Cię wozić co rano, czy przeprowadzi się razem z Tobą?

:Poland: Bully with victim complex

Pasta, pineapple and ketchup? That's absolutely disgusting!

Well- at last they aren't teens, so they won't end without graduating from high school...

You will be a single mother with a deadbeat baby daddy. It's never easy, but I think it will be especially hard in this case. This guy is a manipulative asshole and You know it. This is the thing that will never change in him. Or he will never change towards You, and never treat You as an equal partner, because he knows the easier way- bring You to the verge and make the crazy one of You. He's cruel.

As for the wrapper- he's probably cheating on You.

I'm so sorry, but it would be better for You if You wouldn't get it.

NTA. Tell her why You won't move with her. She probably let him get away with everything because she has a bad conscience because of his dad and his disease, but she managed to raise a little monster. It's the tail wagging the dog.

Tell her she should seek professional help for her and the child, because otherwise some day he will send her to the hospital or morgue and himself to jail. Children get bigger, stronger, and there is a relatively short window when normal parenting works. When they are 12-13 and are out of control (and I mean not being a teenage asshole, but violence, stealing, drugs and other criminal behaviour), they need resocialisation not parenting.

She's abandoned, not feral. Feral cat would never allow You belly rubs.

Source: my mum had one. The moment someone tried to touch her, she jumped back.

We Europeans managed to do corn and rice flour that contains gluten /s

Udało mi się wymazać "nie". Oczywiście masz rację.

:niemcy: Niemcy

Może. Rodzice mogą domagać się alimentów, jeśli żyją w niedostatku. To działa jesli np się ma schorowanego rodzica z niską emeryturą, który połowę wydaje na leki i nie ma na jedzenie, ale wczesniej przez 20 lat się swoim dzieckiem zajmował.

To nie działa, jesli się ma rodzica- alkoholika, który mógłby pracować a woli chlać. Rodzic, ktory swoje dziecko porzucił, stracił prawa rodzicielskie itd też odpada.