Is your problem specific to white guys?

You'd have to go back farther than that to try to insult my musical tastes.

No they didn't do aimless noodling or no melody or lyrics. This is not the future of guitar based music.

That I'm from an era when music was better?

Exactly, I agree it comes off as humble bragging. But I still like to look at their stuff.

I think it's mostly tongue in cheek, but yeah: I tend to scroll past 'roast my rig' posts (after eyeing their gear briefly for anything interesting).

Old fart here: while it may be technically impressive, it lacks any feeling. It's like a bunch of arpeggios were created by an algorithm and fed through a looper. It's got no soul. It's just a bunch of notes strung together.

It's complicated stuff to play for sure, but absolutely devoid of any feeling. The closest analogue I can think of is the stock ringtones on your phone.

Really? This is what you come up with to post here?

I get what you are saying, but I think those sort of posts are still valid because you get to see stuff you might otherwise be unaware of.

Your last suggestion is really the only option: move out if you don't like living with Mommy and Daddy any longer.

The erasure of Israel on a student drawn map of the Levant area is a nothing burger? Sure it is bud...if you're an antisemite.

This is my first Tone King, but it may not be my last. They are goofy expensive, but you do get what you pay for.

How would anyone know since NOBODY has one yet?

I think Cameron made a more overt reference to insect "behaviour", unlike the first film which was more ambiguous about the insectile connection. Other than using a parasitic wasp as an element in the life cycle they didn't really make the connection that it was just a big insect, much less a part of a colony structure.

I don't think anyone would dispute that they used elements of a parasitic wasp's life cycle. But I don't think they thought of the Alien as just a big insect.

When I had a DRRI as my primary amp, I bought lots of overdrive pedals to use with it. Now that I have amps for specific types of gain (Rockerverb for high gain /Victory for medium gain / Tone King Gremlin for low gain) I hardly use the overdrive pedals anymore and am thinking about selling a few. Problem is, I spent a lot of time and thought curating those pedals and they're sort of hard to part with now.

The mental gymnastics of these supposedly 'educated leftists' is approaching ludicrous speed.

Stop defending Hamas and their evil tactics that ignited the war that killed those kids. You are doing their dirty work.

It was the site of an ambush that killed a number of IDF soldiers days before. One soldier got trigger happy under fire. That happens in war. Calling it a war crime is stripping all the context out of the situation and running with crazy, unhinged hyperbole. You should own that bullshit, and your confirmation bias, because that's what you are spewing.

The count of women and children is in serious dispute with what the UN said recently about Hamas numbers.