I have been a Michigan fan since the early 80's, the last 3 years have been magical. I got to go to all 3 of the Big 10 championship games.

I normally get the "fresh" salmon in the package!

Theoretically, there shouldn't be a difference. I think I would dry cure if I used frozen fish. Frozen fish would in theory be softer due to the freezing process. The dry cure would pull the water out of the meat and in that process firm up the texture a little bit.

That is all a theory, I have never tried it.

The freezing would cause ice crystals to form and rupture the cells within the muscles. Fish don't have the muscle fiber the same as beef, which would result in a softer flesh. With that being said there might be some fish that hold up than other.

It really makes me mad, because is I did 1% of what he did I would never see the light of day again.

I put mine in the dishwasher on the 3rd top rack. I have also coil them and put them in the somewhere tray on the bottom rack.

You might want to split the filet in half. The tail portion is thinner and doesn't need to be brined as long as the thicker rib section.

The brine is the hardest part to get right.

But if you are happy with the way yours turned out keep doing it.

I have a small propane cabinet smoker and it works way better in the 235° range. If I try to smoke at 275° plus range, it produces so little smoke I might as well use my oven.

So temperature is relative to the equipment you have.

I'm 100% with you on locking him up but most former DA's think he will only get parole.

I'm not here to say you did it wrong, But those look dry. Salmon should take 3 to 4 days to smoke. First, it should be salt brine for a couple of days. Then rinse the salt off and air-dried it in the refrigerator on a wire rack until it forms a pectol layer. Pectol is a fancy for it being sticky to the touch. Then you are ready to smoke, Salmon needs to be smoked at a very low temperature. I'm taking like 200° to 210° for about 90 minutes. If the temperature gets too high you will get high or if you overcook salmon you will get albumin. That is the white stuff on your salmon, it is a liquid protein.

Me personally, I dry brine with salt, brown sugar, and dill in a vacuum bag for about 14 hours. Then I rinse and let it air dry for about a day in the fridge. I have a propane smoker that doesn't produce very good smoke a that low of a temperature. So my trick is to cold smoke with a smoke tube for a couple of hours. I leave the smoke tube in after I fire up the smoker, once the salmon hits about 145°, I will pull it and put it in a cold oven for 5 minutes to rest. At that point it's ready to eat or vacuum bag and frozen.

And before anyone tells me that 145° is undercooked, if properly brined, you could eat it raw.

It's seasoned don't clean it. The only thing you want to clean it the grates, drip pans, and the bottom of the smoker.

I have never seen E.T., it came out when I was 10. And I have never seen Gremlins either.

I'm from Michigan, I wouldn't recommend you do that. You can become a guest of the state for 5 to 20 years and all of our state prisons are in the cold northern part of the state.

You need to tell the rest of the story. The drunk driver worked for an oil company. He was in the desert surveying the desert for possible oil. In place of the tree, they built what could be called a signpost for a navigation marker.

I have a gas cabinet smoker as well. I found pork butt works better at 275°.

I never do overnight smokes. I do my smokes on the weekend before. Then I will vacuum seal and freeze them. When I'm ready, I will sous vide the food for a couple of hours to get it back to temperature.

So let me get this straight, an ex-friend/disowned family member is a monster. You definitely need to shun them. You might want to check the laws in your state, it might fall under honor killings.

Seasoning salt only. Lawry's seasoning salt was originally made for briskets.

I know a couple of kids that played football in college. And I think all but one quit before their 3rd year, every single one said the exact same thing. In college is class, eat sleep, and football. It takes the childhood love of the game away from you. And I know a guy who played for the Dallas Cowboys for 2 years in the late '70s or early '80s said it was so overwhelming it turned him into an alcoholic. He actually regrets ever playing in the pro's.

So I will say, Trent Jones, God speed and I wish you well in the next phase of your life!

What I do is put boiling water in the pan when I refill it. Cold water will "crash" the temperature if you have a smaller smoker. I have a propane cabinet smoker and if I put tap water in it, it will take 20 minutes to get it back up to temperature again. But if I put boiling water in, it's like 5 minutes.

Did you use a water pan? That really helps with temperature control and a little bit with preventing it from drying out.

Looks good! How did it taste?

Per Michael Symons, a TV chef and owner of countless restaurants, says meat will not take on any more smoke flavor after it reaches around 165°.

You and I have way different videos of pulling out!