I work manly with the finite element method in 3d. You have thousands of elements, each element has 4 nodes and each node 3 coordinates. You then get matrices which are NxN where N is the number of nodes of the mesh. It gets quite large haha

But C is an undetermined constant <3

ex - 1. The bottom limit of the integral is defined

Well, maybe by discarding scientific computing, for example computer simulations

Murtagh's beard - book VSpoilerDiscussion

Hi! When Eragon is training with Oromis, eragon shaves his own beard with a spell. Now I just started book V and Murtagh is shown to not be comfortable using spells to cut his beard, rather prefering to use a dagger instead. Got me thinking, does Murtagh lack proper training in magic that is not war related, and that's why he doesn't feel comfortable with it? Or is it just a difference in personality where Eragon is rash (I think Eragon used a spell because he was on a rush, don't quite remember) and Murtagh is less so?

I didn't know there were people untainted like you left in the world

There is a way to do that without any third party apps. In sublime text go to Tools -> build system -> new build system. Add and save:

{"shell_cmd": "csc $file_base_name.cs && $file_base_name.exe"}

This will build the file.cs and run the executable. Showing the result at the end. You also need to add the cs to PATH most likely. This is usually in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.X.Y. That folder will contain the csc.exe.

Funny enough that's how I did my 1st playthrough. I really believed the alien that rides freaking red dragons that fight ilith. Screw any other healer. The in the crèche when it didn't work, I went back and did all the other choices

You have N-dimensional rotation operators. Quantum mechanics for example uses them

You share a life, a home, kiss and probably had sex. Yet you can't dry water from you with something that touched his skin?

Jogos de PS2 e Wii a 2€ cada. Comprei o tele a 1/3 do preço e sem um único risco, passado 2 anos ainda o uso e está top. Tem coisas a preços ridículos, sim. Mas também oferece ótimos preços para outros produtos

Wrong sub for this post

You know the mod in Skyrim where you can hire an NPC that is your previous character from another save file? I think it would be really cool if they use a save file from your Skyrim playthrough and he is seen in a quest related to akatosh. Maybe his soul is trapped with Herma and you go free it.

  1. Uma mota de 5040€. Podia ter comprado carro mas prefiro motas, é o meu veículo diário, uso todos os dias do ano.

So kinda what we do to animals here on earth? Pugs are a lineage of animals select by obedience levels and genetic defects we desired. And don't even get me started on horses and cows. Which definitely isn't humane. Or... Maybe it is, really.

The front looks just like the cbr650r and that's a compliment! Bike looks dope

Look at the Maxwell EQ. Divergent of E = q/epsilon zero. If you write it in integral form, some electric fields have spherical symmetry, so the integral on the left side (using Gauss theorem to turn it in a surface integral) will have a 4pi as it is related to the area of a sphere surface.

You're right I finally see my mistake. I Was making the derivative in respect to X. Thanks for clearing that up :)