You still use copper pipes?

The plumbing we get done at work is all plastic pipes with fast connect joints.

Easy to bend and doesn't leak.



Kasta ut alla jävla tröghjärnor som blir så förnärmade av att man eldar papper att man bara måste döda folk.


Inte sett Over The Top?

Bästa armbrytningsfilmen nånsin (läs enda).

Med speciell cameo av John Brzenk, armbrytningens GOAT. Killen till vänster.

Han vann turneringen inför filmen, vann en promo lastbil  men han såg för snäll ut för att vara med som sista utmanare.

Fun fact, han är fortfarande aktiv i toppen av sporten.

Till frågan, det hjälper med Press.


Acceptera aldrig en gratis resa till Dubai t.ex.

How about they go martial law because a invasion.

Are they gonna vote the war back to Russia or what? The UK isn't a democracy since they did the same?

Where do you get your news? I am genuinely interested to know.


Denna är bäst, man behöver bara några rutor till en början och en ruta för resterande jobb.

Så totalt använder man sjukt mycket mindre papper.

En rulle räcker då lätt 2v för mig, ibland 3v.


Tänkt på detta? 

Ukrainian government enacted martial law, and the Ukrainian constitution does not allow elections to be held when martial law is in effect.

It works like this in most countries.

See Britain ",Prolongation of Parliament Bill" for 1940-44 inclusive)"

It wasn't just general elections that were suspended. Local elections were stopped too and the main parties agreed not to contest bye elections. Effectively British democracy was put on hold under a Prime Minister who had not received a popular mandate.

So yes, he's following standard wartime protocol as you do in a democracy.

They typically have 100% knowledge of where they are on a bmi scale and what they do to achieve it.

While the people complaining doesn't have a clue, except being angry because they did a cleanse 10 years ago.


Kanske om det blir ljusare i sovrummet.

Annars nej.

I'm so sorry, i guess the stuff are somewhere else instead of on that circlet... ?

What the fucking retarded ass shit media do you watch to come to such batshit conclusions?

This might be the dumbest shit i have ever heard, and i have seen people post antivaxx shit all over the place.

Ukraine was a democracy up until the war, that's when shit halts and current leader takes the lead until they are safe again, that's when elections resume. Why else would they have a ex comedian in charge instead of ruling politicians? That's right, elections.

The bombing of 14000 own people, are you talking about Donbas? the place Russia INVADED!? In 2014.

About 14,000 people were killed in the war: 6,500 Russian and Russian proxy forces, 4,400 Ukrainian forces, and 3,400 civilians on both sides.

Read a couple of different sources man.

Goddamn i feel like i'm getting dumber just by reading your bullshit.

You mean Putins shit war that drags every civilized country in to defend democracy?

That's the one you are talking about?


That's so much stuff on a single item goddamn.


Läste för ett tag sen att en granne borrade vansinnigt mycket.

Visade sig att det var en mixer som stod på diskbänken och det ljudet ekade genom hela huset precis som en slagborr.


Jag menar att din dator kommer att blinka och lysa i alla färger som finns, och det är inte alla som gillar det.

Speciellt när den är igång och man ska sova...

Har inte tid att kolla igenom resten nu, kanske senare.


Klart det kommer att fungera, men det kommer blinka som satan.

Beställ delar passande var i kurvan du befinner dig.

Personligen skulle jag köra en silent låda, det är sjukt skönt att inte höra datorn alls.

Och se till att din skärm klarar 144hz+.

I understand it as:

It's been separated spaces for hundreds of years because of a reason. Now transmen are just walking straight in and people are supposed to just accept it without discussion.

You just have to call yourself a woman.

This can, will, and is being used in all the wrong ways and Rowling and others wants the female spaces left alone.

No problem.

The act 2 merc is great, just remember to Shift +pot button to give him a potion now and then.

He really needs full resistance or he will get popped.

Lifesteal will keep him alive way longer than more armour for example.

But the important thing is to clear all the minions around a super mob and let him punch it to death 1v1.

Sell Armours, Wands, necro shields etc to vendor for 35000 gold so you got bank for when he dies. His resurrect costs 50k max.

I'd recommend teleporting through the acts 2 and 3.

The bosses don't have any immunities, some of the elites you have to kill does. That's where Static Field and Mercenary comes in handy.

You have put all your skills in one skill and the skills that buff that one you use, right?

So you aren't 7points here and 9 there etc.

(You want 20 in your main skill, 1 in Teleport, 1 in Energy Shield, 1 in Frozen armour, 1 in Warmth, 1 in Static Field. The rest to buff your main skill or another main skill if you are hybrid)

This way you get to Act3 boss, Mephisto. He drops almost all the greatest items in the game. Just run him over and over until you have good stuff.

You can mix it up and kill Andrariel as well, the best way to get better items in this game is by killing bosses over and over.

Do you have a mercenary?

You want one from act2 with Might aura and you want to give him a 4 socket polearm with Insight runeword. Like this. 

This is easy to obtain if you know what you are looking for and it gives him a aura that gives you mana regeneration. Lots of mana regen.

A big polearm for him, a helmet with lifesteal, and a high armour chestpiece preferably with all resisst and you are golden!

If the items are Ethereal it's even better, since mercenarys don't break stuff and those items have higher base dmg and armour.