It happens once a week to me. I'm so used to it lol.

Not in competition. That's because they refuse to balance the game. No idea why, but Johnny has this star power, plus frames and generally has barely any cons, meanwhile other characters like scorpion have problems to open up their opponents. It's wildely inbalanced and not in a good way. They gave him a new string and it does....nothing?

What. They release a kameo who breaks the rules (interrupting any move) and it's suddenly the best in game. Yet they nerf Sonya.

At that point i just dropped it and may return if Takeda is close enough to his MKX version or when they revamp the mechanics. Labbing is fun, but all that work is useless when a Johnny can do the same shit for way less execution. Also fuck those back forward motions. Way too many in game.

The campaigns still exist to this day. It's a mess because Bungie had to reconstruct the story.

Basically what we did is, we woke up, got back our stuff, sparrow, ships etc. We learn about the fallen who plunder shit from us. We kill them.

We got a signal of a dead guardian who we found on the moon, "We've awoken the hive!" meme happens. We free a shard of the traveler from their grip. We kill them.

Exo stranger calls us to venus. She tells us about vex infiltrating the black garden. Why? Because she can't explain why she can't explain. Black garden was supposed to be a myth. The Vex. We need to kill them. (vault of glass is mentioned).

So we head off to the reef as we need help from the awoken. We meet Mara and Uldren. Blabla eye of gate lord, we got that, then try to find the entrance (it's in mars). Cabals. They were just there. We killed them.

Anyways we opened the gate to the garden. We got there and found out they were worshipping the black heart. We killed them. Why? Idk.


Actual true canon ending: The black heart was supposed to establish a connection from the vault of glass to the real world. So it all ends with the vault of glass raid and the death of atheon. Atleast that's what i know of. It's a cool ending if the rest wasn't so disconnected.

DSC has the second most views on youtube if we talk about official soundtrack only. Just under Journey.

Just wanna put this here.

You can ignore raids. They don't go away. They also aren't a must, but i think it's the best thing the game has to offer. I just don't play them as often.

You also shouldn't start with the hardest one.

Vault of glass is one i'd recommend as first raid. Salvation's edge is meant for players who already have a fair amount of completed raids. It's intended to be the hardest one and will make sure you have a miserable experience for the first time.


Maybe stop playing and come back later. This sounds more like doing chores than having any kind of fun. Sounds like you got released early from work to be honest lol.

Do you guys not play raids or something? We just got one that's barely 3 weeks old. Seasons are definitely not the reason why i play this game. It's the last thing i'd think about. Play the game for fun man.

Not that i care much about seasons anyways but this made me laugh. A 3 week pause is wild. Glad i didn't get the pass.

I'd rather play everything in one go, or weekly than waiting weeks between acts. This just makes it harder for me to track the story. We barely did anything.

Arcite should be the onslaught vendor and let you attune weapons. I think wave 50 could have a bit more loot just for completing it.

The dungeon Grasp of avarice isn't free (including gjallarhorn which you get from completing it). Dares of eternity and all the triumphs and ornaments displayed at Xur are free. Always been. You just have to rank up Xur. Unlike rocket sidearms, you have to hit previse shots with forerunner. But those critical shots deal a ton of damage.

Ronaldo is a class player. He even teaches Bruno mid-game how to pass.

It's so much shorter than strikes or PvP tho.

Older missions should stay unchanged. Keep the changedsfor the new raids and dungeons. Keep the new changes if you make new versions.

But don't make it double negative and change up normal modes with the same rewards, that's just stupid.

This makes it easier for me to not touch and pay the upconing dungeons. Sounds awful to play.

Check out the specific enemy kills for pathfinder objectives. They did infact not learn any lessons.

People who raid already enough won't see much of an issue.

But newcomers will have a hard time lol.

I don't even know why they change something that wasn't broken. After 8 years they added surges and i don't even know why. Want to make it challenging or something? Master raids exist.

What do you mean "would"?

We had this feature for several years. Team finder is not specific enough and it's reallly bad for non english teams. No one bothers to read language, ranks, or whatever else you wanna do

Back when arms affected the shoulders too.


Puar's name is Pool in german dub.

They should get rid of the battlegrounds and add the nightmare/empire hunts. They are basically strikes. I got sick of seeing europa. Got put in that battleground 3 times in a row.

Why even make this post? You know exactly that he is the asshole here. Survivability is always first. How you gonna damage the boss when you're dead?

Add clearing is never a bad idea. Maybe have a rocket ready to fire at the boss, but it is totally fine what you did.

Guy should make his own team and not try to convince complete strangers that they are doing something wrong. There is no damn Destiny etiquette if you are paired with randoms in matchmade activities.

It's a reference to the visual representation of Mithrax telling us how his species saw saint 14 as a monster. In season of splicer i think.

Gambit basically is PvE. I used to hate it, but now i don't mind it much. Sometimes it can be fun to play lol.

But yeah, streaks are impossible.

You want a better looking piece, you pay real money. I wouldn't complain if it was sold for bright dust.