A black man's mental health will never be taken seriously. And you're right we don't know what happened, but a black man is guilty until proven innocent


Yes they can be on a personal level but racism coming from someone with more power is leagues worse. Many minorities are not in a position of power to deny someone a bank loan or refuse to sell them a house.

That's how you end up with Fetterman, a secret Republican disguised as a Democrat who chases innocent black joggers around with shotguns. Research all your candidates!


No, I think its the literal millions of white conservatives voting for Trump that are doing it. It's never persuade the red to change, or put pressure on them to become better people. Its always democrats shit talking each other

Affirmative Action benefits the white women more than anyone.

It's not catfishing. He just needs a haircut. I wouldn't call a woman wearing makeup/ hair extensions catfishing so why a man who has gotten a haircut be a catfish?

Man have yall never seen that picture of Joe Biden holding KKK leader Robert Byrd's hand up like a WWE champion? I'm not voting for any of these candidates, and news flash: Every president has always gotten the majority white vote, so our vote literally does not matter.

One of the most iconic videos ever. From Michael pointing out "I want that and this" to some of the most expensive shit ever to the store owner rubbing his hands like Birdman the whole video!

Why tf they asking about black voters? Every president ever elected has gotten the majority white vote. Our vote does not matter!

You niggas are so weird and over analyzing everthing. Jenna Ortega was sitting on her dad's lap and nobody gave af.

Please lord, if i ever go on trial, don't let this sub be on jury duty. Amen 🙏

Since we're using the most extreme case, imagine the plumbing cost of 1000+ condoms being flushed down the toilet daily

I recently played through all Switch versions of Romancing SaGa, and man SaGa 2 stood out to me so much. The magic system and building a party around the hero every generation was so satisfying. Not to mention the blacksmithing and kingdom building. I can't wait for this remake!

Great Cave Offensive/Amazing Mirror. I love collecting treasures

Fucking someone else is the most extreme version of cheating. My ex girlfriend at the time did not want me to text or see a certain coworker who would text me after work hours and call me her work hubby. I respected her wishes because our relationship was more important than my coworkers. I never fucked that coworker, but in her eyes, she thought extra communication outside of work with that lady was cheating. I took it upon myself to respect her wishes and not do something that would make her uncomfortable.

I would've loved a prequel game following these 4, kinda like Berseria was to Zesteria

Samsung has already locked in with Google on their s24 series getting 7 years of Google software updates.

Yall gotta stop this take. If I referred to women as the c word that doesn't mean I had a female friend who was too uncomfortable to call me out on it. It means I'm a piece of shit who knows wtf I'm doing by using words I know I'm not supposed to. Yall quick to blame other black people for shit white people do.

Everyone on this subreddit knows CB ain't shit and is a women beater. Posting for awareness is only going against Rihanna, one of his victims, wishes who wants yall mfs to stop associating her with him. Either drill this nigga so he learns his lesson or stfu and respect the victims who actually went through this shit and just want to be disassociated. You guys think you are doing the world a service by announcing and reminding everyone of these women trauma, when in actuality, you are just reminding these women of their horrors. Either Drill him or press additional charges against him so he is actually held accountable or stfu in 2024!

Bruh yes it was, look at the House Oversight Comittee link I posted earlier. It's crazy how you are assuming fucking a crackhead was running a company completely straight, but a Prosecutor who was investigating that company was corrupt. There was no transparency involved in Shokins dismissal. Shokin was pursuing several high profile corruption cases at the time of his dismissal.