The way he worded that was almost as if he'd come into the interview and knew the scene was wrong but was tryna save face somehow.

Obv I cant speak on what he actually thinks cos I'm not Kripke, and I like his politics and love the show overall, so I'm hoping this is just a misstep at the end of the day and doesn't impede on the quality of the show


7 - Yozora, purely cos I'm not good enough at the game to get through the data org fights and then fight him after that gauntlet

6 - LW vs Terranort, I beat him, but I had to cheese the fight by using a deck that stunlocks him for most of the fight

5 - Ansem, Xemnas, Xehanorts in KH3, KH3 makes its story combat kinda trivial, so the only challenge here is managing three bosses at once

4 - Ansem-Riku, I'm not good at KH1 but this one was a fun fight. pretty challenging 👍

3 - Aqua vs Terranort, It's probably because of the deck I used, but I got a really good test of my own skill in this fight.

2 - Roxas, this one has so much gravitas to it. The music, the character implications, the fact that it's a huge difficulty spike on a first playthrough to signify the incoming boss rush. Love this fight

1 - Xemnas, KH2s final boss gauntlet was my personal favorite experience. I was playing standard difficulty first time through, and the final Org XIII gauntlet was the perfect mix of challenge and reward. And then culminating in a 2 on 1 fight against Xemnas that doesn't feel too overbalanced in either direction. There aren't words that I have right now to explain the relief I felt after beating Xemnas, and now just a few months after beating the series for the first time I wanna go back and play KH2 again mostly just for those last couple hours of fights

12 year olds finding Reddit

These comments are why we need Automod responses

Bogut hasn't been seen since 2018. That shits all but confirmed by now


Now get rid of Josh Giddey.

No room for A*stralians in my videogames

John Collins #20

I would've loved Sarr.

Oh well go get a big man now Landry

He manages to be a populist or centrist even when it isn't a political discussion.


The only time the Hawks haven't been forgotten about for something


Hooray for centrism🥳🥳🥳

Dumbass fucking take

The second one with bits of fried up bacon chopped thru it would clog arteries like a motherfucker, but for that experience it's more than worth it

Better than letting a Eur*pean win.

Lesser of two evils

Start by fondling his balls, then proceed to fully squeeze them as hard as I can

Right wingers as soon as they realize full seasons of TV shows are more than just 40 second Homelander phonk edits


I mean yeah MM shaved lol. That changes how someone looks a lot 😄