[[Queza]], cuz drawing cards is fun

Also, as far as no max hand size [[Body of knowledge]] [[Nerd rage]] [[Profts eidetic memory]] [[Decanter of endless water]] [[Triskaidekaphile]] [[Wizard class]]

I second this haha. Queza is awesome, probably one of my better decks. She hits hard with [[lich's mastery]] and [[peer into the abyss]]

The way Ive been doing it that works fairly well

Get double boiler Put eggs in mixing bowl Use bowl as lid to boiler as it comes to temp When boiling add eggs, to for like 13-14 minutes or so Remove and ice bath

Honestly just talk to your chef about it. They're people too. Hopefully they will work with you, but if not than that's a failure on their part

None. Sword, Pick, Bow, Torch, Shovel, (other random tool). Easy switching when I'm surprised

Freeze the bowl, add sugar last. Smaller batches go quicker lol good luck

Honestly all of this. It all looks delicious, but there's not a lot of negative space on the plates so it feels cluttered to me. I about lost it with the onion on the burger though lol

I would devour all of it, but like what was said before simplify some of the presentations. Less is more. Keep up the good work chef 🙂

We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty

Bleu is just the French word for blue (I think could be wrong lol). But I think they're pretty much interchangeable

Nah they got it right

I've got no bone to pick with it

Seriously though this thought was instant for me. It works.

Honestly sounds like people abused the system and tried to take advantage, so management had to do something about it. I have no context so idk but it's not unreasonable and seems sorta fair. Discounts for food, and don't eat where the health inspector will ding you for it. Could be way worse. Just remember, if you dont abuse it, this won't happen

I'm just saying that vinegar might be common in a kitchen, and more meant that if you mix bleach with anything, you'd better know exactly what's going to happen.

I've worked at a place where the dishie went to delime the machine...and promptly added DeLimer and bleach in large quantities into the running dish machine. Definitely a real thing lol

Bleach and ammonia make chloramine vapors Bleach and vinegar make chlorine gas Bleach and rubbing alcohol make chloroform That alone probably covers a wide variety of regular cleaning products that could be used

Check your chemicals to make sure that none have leaked and/or mixed. Bleach combined with almost anything makes poison gas

Make sure you have enough product and time to start over if it comes to it. Never know what's going to go wrong. Taste as you go, and try and remember or write down what you actually ended up doing, and always learn from it! Good luck!