Carole’s clearly feeling herself a bit/got some additional swagger after 6 months at the negotiating table. Guarantee somewhere someone knows exactly how many “appearances” Carole got for herself and at which Royal enclosures. To me this means whatever deal they made (1) has been finalized and (2) is advantageous to Kate (financially at least). Also agree we will not see Kate until the last week & my guess is she only attends the men’s final. Maybe under the terms of the deal Carole & Kate both attend the final & Roger Federer is forced to sit between them.

I rolled my eyes (and threw up a little) before I remembered that the original iteration of The Surreal Life untied those soulmates Flavor Flav & Brigitte Neilson. Granted, these two can’t hold a candle to them, but I’m now shamelessly excited that we may get even a shadow version of the FF/BN love story.

He was JOEY?! They’re pretty well suited to one another, imo (no hate!). I always thought Kroy was delusional about who she really was- I can see these two being like “Hey, you’re hot trash too, let’s get wasted & fuck on this crappy reality show & see what happens.”

Ha- all I could think is “This is going to be one hell of a speaker meeting one day! “ OP, if it makes you feel ANY more inclined/less anxious to try an AA meeting, please know that the speaker at my home group Wednesday night shared something like this (minus the poop but PLUS trying to punch a cop while completely naked and getting kicked out of her Ivy League college) and she has been sober for 12 years now. She’s happily married/kids/career now & bc of AA she lived, thrived & could speak about that night in a way that, rather than being shameful or tragic, was somehow hilarious bc we’d all lived” that night” and come out on the other side.

Yes! This is when I think it’s going to get really fun- always felt uneasy about how much I was enjoying that aspect of it when death or coma seemed a real possibility & there were also the 2 youngest kids out of sight. Now that we know the 3 are alive & appear physically healthy, I feel like I can unabashedly sit back w some popcorn and enjoy the RF shitshow of what almost seems like is a massive trolling campaign by their own PR people (“Yes, William, pose bending over with that shovel! You look like such a diplomat!”).

“Trophy Wife” here! My husband is 28 yrs older than me (I’m 3 yrs older than my stepdaughter) & his net worth is about 7x mine (according to the Exhibits to our prenup). I’m an attorney & throughout our marriage, I have always practiced. I like having my own money. I’m still my own person. Also, I’ve always known there’s going to be about a 1/3 of my life without him, so if I were just a cipher who looked pretty what would I do with myself if I’m widowed at 50? There are huge lifestyle perks that I wouldn’t necessarily have at my age (I’m now 40 & he’s 68), but none of it would be worth it if I didn’t love him. Marriage is often really hard, particularly when one of you is aging, and I can’t imagine doing this if I didn’t love and care for him.

We still act like it’s weird today though (which is weird in & of itself given what we know). You’re considered to have a “geriatric pregnancy” if you deliver at age 36 or older simply bc there’s a larger fertility cliff at that point. Also, since birth control is widespread now, we generally dont have families like in the Tudor era when you hear about women being pregnant 10-12 times. I’m curious about whether they knew of ways to prevent pregnancy & maybe she was super careful before her last marriage.

I have a feeling if we could answer the question “What does Camz really WANT out of all this?” part of the big mystery would be solved. She’s already got the crown and I agree she’s materially set forever so… is this just the longest revenge con ever?

This is the “Kennedy Theory” but that family is generally DOING those activities when things happen to them. The RF is just randomly getting taken down by gardening tools & “suspect” horses….

Yes & the cocaine peddler who likely bankrolled Carole’s grift for years. He’s the idiot who went on national tv to suggest Wm & K would be a better option than Chaz & Camz- likely setting all this crap in motion now that I think about it 🤣

I think the key difference is it’s occult symbolism used by the RF W/ RESPECT TO KATE/her disappearance. Half of the new stuff has nothing to do with Kate (occult symbols in Chas portrait). Similarly, if something was never a part of the theoretical discussion prior to Sat (lizard people, alien abduction), i don’t think that has any place in the current sub either.

Plus, if this PR disaster has shown one thing it’s that the RF & their coms team are comically arrogant. They don’t do things wondering about negative consequences - they ASSUME they’ll get away with them.

Part of the speculation about a separation w the move to Adelaide is that there’s not room for live in staff (and Wm could never function like a peasant that way). Regardless - They’ve got three kids- they know how to get alone time.

My narc husband questioned me about a $26 charge on his credit card (I had it to do Christmas shopping for his family and bought myself a book) and, when I started crying, he got mad and refused to « engage » with me for the rest of the evening. When I asked why he was acting that way as he was headed to sleep in the guest room he said, « I’m making you feel shitty for making me feel like I’ve been shity. » That’s as close as he gets to self awareness 🙄

THIS! First of all, OP, as a mom, I want to give you all the hugs. As an attorney: Do NOT be afraid to pivot dramatically. Your post indicates that you’ve got the golden ticket combo that’s really, really hard to find in an associate: good education, intelligent & (key) you loved your coworkers even if you hated the work: you know how to work & play well with others. Once you find out what kind of law makes you really enjoy practicing, it is NOT going to be hard to pick it up. Twenty years ago, I was you only a 3rd year in the Corporate Tax section. I was so devastated & freaked out I actually listened to other, wiser colleagues and wound up getting a job at a boutique family law firm (a class I never deigned to take in law school bc it was viewed as a ‘soft’ practice) and I just love it, like am a complete nerd about it in the best way & have been more successful than I EVER would have been if I’d stayed in the « right job » I had out of law school. So, sorry for the novel, BUT from where I’m sitting, this is a good thing for you- just stay open to possibilities & embrace the pivot because, whatever’s next, you already have the key foundation.

Evidence for possible trial - 💯. My narc husband is an attorney & he goes so far as to craft thoughtful, caring responses to texts that he has already answered verbally as his « true self »(ex: he sent me one of these fake responses recently a full DAY after verbally berating me for even asking - just to CYA: Cover His Ass)

Isn’t there some kind of immunity on Royal property or is it that law enforcement can’t go into Royal property w/o monarch permission (or similar)? MAYBE all of this time they’ve been stalling on the announcement, they’ve been getting rid of evidence or waiting for it to disappear naturally so that, in the event of a public outcry over another PoW death they can appear to be cooperative “look we let them search everything & we didn’t have to”

Think he’d only need George (they can hit a soccer match after!)- no way is he making the big deal over Kate that Chaz made over Camz (dropping the Consort & just calling her Queen)- at this point, & Kate will be lucky to live to Will’s coronation, much less participate in it. As for Charlotte & Louis - their absence is the piece I find most disturbing & I’m almost convinced that at some point William will just start briefing the Rota that George is an only child and the Rota will accuse H & M of sending really short spies into the Wales home bc jealous or similar. Point being: I think this situation is so so so close to crossing over from “mismanaged” to “grotesque” all it would take is one actor not behaving as predicted for all hell to break loose.

Plus, he (« allegedly ») cheated on her throughout the Waity decade & she lived- don’t forget Carole basically trained her to be a prizefighter w respect to this relationship. Of all the theories, the main one I don’t buy is that SHE wants out.

She never chose her first act (Carole did) so I can’t see her even knowing where to start. And while I believe Diana was a loving mother, Kate presents as enmeshed w the Wales kids in a way that Diana never did w W & H. Can you imagine aristo Diana protesting about the heir going away to Eton? W/ the kids getting older/more independent & W vetoing a 4th, if the marriage falls apart, she’s just an ex sitting in a little cottage near the castle remembered as rhe POW who delightedly flashed people for shits & giggles.

I mean, depending on what’s happening, it would seem all her girlhood dreams are coming true 🙄 - She’s about to have a quasi regency w William’s incompetent & spoiled ass, throw him in bed w 🥀, remarry Andrew PB & give their kids titles (I JEST but you know the old cow has thought about it)

Ah, thanks for clarifying - we don’t have anything like that here (jurors are sequestered not the other way around etc) but I knew they were most widely used in court cases - wasn’t sure how it would work w an RF matter. So news stories saying, for example, “Wm issued a press injunction regarding his relationship with Rose” are just using incorrect terminology? This is pure back room RF suppressing public speech?

That’s why I’ve never bought the theories that she’s already dead. (1) too easy to blame on something innocuous/use for sympathy PR and (2) The entire extended family cannot, just from a percentage standpoint, be completely sociopathic and that whole family has spent the past 5 mos trotting about at a series of increasingly vapid events, both involuntary (Will’s garden party) and voluntary (half the family in Dubai for F1), looking gleeful AF & posting on social media. (3) Note: I DO think Cam is both mentally unstable and evil enough to emerge from the hospital where Charles & Kate were both conveniently having surgery on the exact same week (what’re the chances) knowing full well something awful had happened & looking like the Cheshire Cat.