im autistic aint math supposed to be one of the things im good at

one is a dog and one is a dude whose soul id suck out via the hose

hammerhead, because cum looks like frog tadpoles which have a hammer for a head

if Asa dies i will personally skin fudgemotor alive for killing the best autism representation we have seen in the last 10 years

need a boywife so damn bad, ill be the perfect wife/sugar mommy i swear

ah it seems i fucking blind, i apologize good sir/madam. carry on

i dont got no alts cuz all my other accounts been fuckin banned for making death threats to various rich people

i am an evil god is literally peak and you didnt include it in your list

having a little too much interest in gore art be like

people fucking existing is apparently woke, WERE FUCKING HUMANS NOT A LABEL

there are so many hot men in the game im practically forced o play it

earplugs feel weird and suck, headphones with amazing noise cancelation superiority

damn i gotta step my game up so i can get wow and ffxiv higher on the list

iceborne very easily, felt like a whole new game

can confirm, i have been vaccinated multiple times and i am autistic